Leisure, Clubs & Organisations

Denstone Village

Denstone Art Group

The Denstone Art Group is runs its Art sessions on Tuesday evenings from 7pm to 9pm. The aim of the group is to promote an environment where people can share, create and explore thoughts and ideas in a friendly, informal manner. An experienced Art teacher will be on hand to give advice if needed. Please contact 07388025075 if you are interested.

Contact tel: 07388 025075

Baby & Toddler Group

Tuesday mornings in term time 9-11 am in Denstone Village Hall. Fun, healthy snacks, lots of toys, craft activities, singing…

Contact: Oshi tel: 07813 581970

Bowls Club

Crown green bowls in the middle of Denstone! Green open from April to September. Open afternoons throughout the summer months – see Tom Boden Memorial Trust notice board for details. Social and competitive teams, all ages and abilities welcome.

Contact: Laurie Beckett-Fountain

tel: 07464 957283 / email: denstonebowlsclub@gmail.com

British Legion

Denstone Branch of the British Legion was formed after the First World War 1914-1918  (possibly in 1921).  Members organise Remembrance and events in the village. New members are welome – no military experience required!

Contact: Wendy Tipper

tel: 01538 753904 / email: wendytipper@sky.com

Denstone Players

The Denstone Players Amateur Dramatic Society evolved from the Village Review held in support of The Denstone Sports Trust in 1987. Since then the Society has staged numerous plays and shows for the enjoyment of members and our audiences in the local community. 3 productions each year – come and join us! – come and watch us!

Contact: Dave Shooter tel: 01889 591246

Web site: www.denstoneplayers.com (opens in new tab)

Denstone Spinners

Spinners and beginners, knitters and weavers – come and meet us, try spinning and learn wool crafts. We meet on the third Thursday of the month, 7-9pm in Denstone Village Hall.

Contact: Jacquie Cotterill tel: 01283 820646

and: Caroline Lindsay tel: 07766 796644

Garden Guild

Denstone and District Garden Guild was formed nearly 50 years ago to provide a platform for people interested in gardening and plant life in general to get together, exchange ideas and enjoy talks from speakers who specialise in various aspects of gardening and associated subjects. We meet on the first Monday of the month at 7.30pm in Denstone Village Hall for a varied programme of garden related topics. We also organise lunches and plant sales!

Contact: Christine Adams tel: 01889 590389

and: Sarah Forrester tel: 01889 591085

Mothers’ Union

The Mothers’ Union is a world-wide Anglican organisation whose purpose it is to be concerned with all aspects of Christian family life. We meet on the last Thursday of the month at Ann Johnson’s house, Hillside. Regular speakers, handicrafts, demonstrations, helping with ASK club at school and Small Saints. All welcome.

Contact: Ann Johnson tel: 01889 590760

Small Saints

A time for Reception class children and pre-school children (with parents/grandparents/carers) to meet in All Saints’ Church for stories, songs, activities, drinks and biscuits. 2.15pm — 3.00pm 2nd Tuesday of the month during term time.

Contact: Yvonne Denby tel: 01889 590334

Stubwood Singers

A friendly ladies’ choir which sings locally and further afield in churches, chapels, W.I. groups — and at special occasions! Songs often written for them by Caroline Wedd.

Contact: Susanne Smith tel: 01889 590580

Tennis Club

An active, 100 year old tennis club in the centre of Denstone. Teams play in the Burton League, there are also club sessions, junior coaching, and friendly games!

Contact: Judy Ford tel: 01538 703352

The Tuesday Club

Denstone Tuesday Club is available for residents of Denstone, their relatives and friends, and those who join in other activities in Denstone. All welcome – there is no age limit and no subscription. We meet on the first Tuesday of every month in Denstone Village Hall. We have a wide variety of speakers and outings, e.g. secret dining at Sudbury Prison!

Contact: Wendy Forrester

tel: 01889 590728 / email: forrester_stubwood@yahoo.co.uk

Women’s Institute

Denstone Women’s Institute was formed in 1921.  It is non political and offers friendship and a warm welcome to all ages and creeds. We meet on the third Monday of every month in Denstone Village Hall at 7.30pm. Our speakers range from the serious to the not-so-serious! We also have craft, walking, games, group outings and meals out.

Contact: Rose Barker tel: 01335 324466

Web site: www.denstonewi.weebly.com (opens in new tab)

Tom Boden Memorial Sports Trust

The Tom Boden Memorial Sports Trust owns and looks after the area in the centre of the village comprising the bowls green,  the tennis courts and the children’s play area. It also looks after the playing field area known as “Robert’s Green”.

Rehab 4 Addiction

Rehab 4 Addiction is not a Denstone-based organisation but a UK-based addiction helpline in Staffordshire.

Rehab 4 Addiction provides a helpline that offers immediate assistance to those struggling with addiction in Staffordshire, a service that could be life-saving. It also offers resources and information about addiction and mental health, and a comprehensive directory of treatment centres throughout the UK.

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