PC Agenda 1st September 2020
Local Government Act 1972 Sch 12 20th August 2020
Dear Sir/Madam,
Urgent Announcement
Due to COVID 19 the Parish Council are unable to meet in the Parish Hall. Instead they will meet remotely on Zoom. If you would like to join the meeting on https://zoom.us or have something that you would like the clerk to add to the meeting then please contact the clerk. Contact details are below. Take care and stay safe.
Parish of DENSTONE
You are summoned to attend the next meeting of the Parish Council of the above-named Parish. This will be held at 7pm on Tuesday 1st September 2020 Remotely on https://zoom.us due to COVID 19
Yours truly, Julie Sadler
Clerk to the Parish Council
01335 324692 – js.denstonepc@gmail.com
Tuesday 1st September 2020 7.00 pm
Parish Council Meeting
Agenda part A
- To record those present, and acceptance of apologies
- To approve the minutes of the 14th July 2020
- To receive declarations of interest
- Adjournment for public participation
- Matters Arising/Clerk’s report
- Correspondence Received
- Clerks Training Course the knowledge via Zoom
- Bridleway application update
- Trees update
- Planning (Permitted & Refused are decisions by ESBC
- P/2020/00803 – Conversion of Outbuilding to for ancillary dependent living accommodation – Ash Lea, Quixhill Lane, Prestwood, ST14 5DD
- Drains & Ditches – Cllr Beckett-Fountain
- Website Accessibility
- Zoom Account
- Denstone College proposed Changes – Cllr Shermer
- Tom Boden Memorial Sports Trust Licence for the Play area
- Junior Play Area/Village Hall Toilets
- Denstone Meadow – Update Cllr Edmonds
- Ward Boundaries
- Highway Issues
- Traffic issues & Stubwood sub-committee
- Potholes & drainage issues in the village
- Footpaths and Pavements
- Finance/Payments – To approve the following payments:
- Webmaster pay for July & August 2020 = £50 [LGA 1972 s142 & 144]
- Clerk’s pay for July & August 2020 (Made by Standing Order) = £379.28 [LGA 1972 s112]
- Clerk’s Expense’s July & August £61.17
- J Etherington – Cleaning Village Hall Toilets July & August 2020 £40 and £50.00
- Russ Whitehurst – Lengthsman July & August 2020 = £172.45
- Peter Robotham – Junior Play area = £145.00
- Peter Robotham – Denstone Meadow Fishing Permits – £49.50
- Ellastone Parish Council – 50% share for Training for Clerk = £25.00
Items for Future Agenda
- Dates of next meeting: 6th October 2020 via https://zoom.us