PC Agenda 7th January 2020
Local Government Act 1972 Sch 12 19 December 2019
Dear Sir/Madam,
Parish of DENSTONE
You are summoned to attend the next meeting of the Parish Council of the above-named Parish. This will be held at 7.00pm on Tuesday 7th January 2020 at VILLAGE HALL DENSTONE.
The business to be transacted is shown on the Agenda annexed.
Yours truly,
Julie Sadler
Clerk to the Parish Council
Tuesday 7th January 2020 19:00
Parish Council Meeting
Agenda part A
- To record those, present and acceptance of apologies
- To approve the minutes of the 3rd December 2019
- To receive declarations of interest
- Adjournment for public participation
- Matters Arising/Clerk’s report
- Correspondence Received
- Website – Update
- Lady Meadow Close Signage – Update
- Speed Limit – Alton – Update
- Contribution to Speed Indication Signs – Outside School
- Planning (Permitted & Refused are decisions by ESBC)
- P/2019/01489 – Outline application to develop land by the erection of 6 dwellings including details of access – Land South of College Road Denstone.
- Bench for Bus Stop/CCF
- Speedwatch College Road
- Denstone Diary – Cllr Edmonds
- Fresh Air Gym – Update – Cllr Kelly
- The Gardeners – Cllr Wright
- V E Day Celebrations (Insurance) – Cllr Edmonds
- Denstone Meadow – Cllr Edmonds
- Junior Play Area (Cllr Shermer)
- Highway Issues
- Traffic issues & Stubwood sub-committee
- Potholes & drainage issues in the village
- Footpaths
- Pavements
- Finance/Payments
To approve the following payments:
- Webmaster pay for December = £25.00 [LGA 1972 s142 & 144]
- Clerk’s pay for December (Made by Standing Order) = £379.28 [LGA 1972 s112]
- Clerk’s expenses for December 2019 = £17.40 (LGA 1972 s111)
- Eon Lighting December 2019 = £22.97 [Parish Councils Act 1957 s3]
- J Etherington – Cleaning Village Hall Toilets December 2019 = £40.00
- Sue Ratcliffe – Dog Bins – £106.00
- Russ Whitehurst – Lengthsman £30.00
Items for Future Agenda
- Dates of next meetings: 4th February, 3rd March, 7th April, 5th May 2020