PC Minutes 11 February 2020

Denstone Village

PC Minutes 11th February 2020

 Attendees: Cllr M Shermer (Chair), Cllr B Wright, Cllr J Mountney, Cllr L Beckett-Fountain, Cllr C Kelly, Cllr K Stratton, J Turner, Cllr E Edmonds, Cllr S Ratcliffe and Borough Councillor S Sankey.  Apologies None Councillor Shermer began by welcoming Kevin McCammon to the meeting from Denstone College.   
 The minutes of the meeting held on the 7th January 2020. The minutes were signed and dated by Cllr M Shermer, and the clerk. These were agreed by all as a true record of the meeting. 
 Declaration of interest Cllr Beckett-Fountain declared an interest in Item 17 
 Kevin McCammon – Speeding Traffic – Councillor Shermer began by welcoming Kevin McCammon to the meeting from Denstone College. The data that Russ had collated was discussed and a copy was given to Kevin. Kevin said that he agreed with the figures. He informed the meeting that since we had last met with him, the college had started to hold back the Large coaches until 8.45am to try and improve the traffic situation. An email had also been sent from the Deputy Head to all parents advising them to take care whilst driving in the village along with a discussion with all the senior pupils at their regular Friday meeting. Hopefully all these issues combined will have a positive effect on the traffic. A leaflet had been designed by the clerk to go out to all members of the village and it was agreed to add the following to it, “If you witness irresponsible or dangerous driving then inform The Parish Clerk of the registration number and details of the make of car. Kevin also suggested that members of the village might want to put 20mph stickers on their bins to help slow down the traffic. The councillors thought that was a good idea. The issue about volunteers was also raised for the Community Speed Watch.  Kevin was asked if he thought the students would be interested in taking part. He thought it was an excellent idea as this could be done as part of the Duke of Edinburgh Award. Cllr Wright to investigate further as to the age limit for a volunteer. A member of the public also raised the issue of the tree outside the Stone House causing some problems with the traffic. It was therefore agreed that the clerk would send a letter asking if the tree could be cut back. Cllr Ratcliffe also asked Kevin if the buses could possibly come 15 minutes later. Kevin said that unfortunately this was not possible. Kevin informed the meeting that they would like more children to arrive by bus to save the extra cars, Cllr Turner asked could the college not look at some incentives to get the parents to put the children on the coaches? Kevin said that this would be looked into. Cllr Shermer thanked Kevin for attending the meeting.                                  Clerk
 Adjournment for Public Participation It was raised that could we not have 20mph speed limit in the village? It was also raised that the markings for the pavement at Marlpit Lane repairs had stopped at St Chads.  It was agreed that both of these items would be put on the agenda for the June meeting as Marlpit Lane and Stubwood Hollow should have been sorted by then.  
 Clerks Report Correspondence Received – Peter Robotham informed the meeting that during his training he had discussed the issues surrounding the Junior play area. He had been informed that the situation would be ok and we did not have to go to the manufacturer to have the item mended as long item under the roundabout was repaired to a high standard It was therefore agreed for a working party to meet at the play area on 18th February at 2pm. The members of the party are Cllrs Shermer, Becket-fountain, Wright, Peter Robotham and Russ. Cllr Shermer thanked Peter for all his work on the play areas.  Website – The clerk informed the meeting that she had heard from Carolyn who had informed her that the council were only taking on 20 councils and we were the 20th if the Parish Council agreed. It was unanimously agreed to take on the silver package. Clerk to send an email confirming this. Lady Meadow Close Signage – The clerk informed the meeting that she had not heard anything further but would chase for a reply.Speed Limit – the clerk informed the meeting that she had not heard from the PCSO Sean Elliott, however she would contact him again. On-line Banking – The clerk had spoken with a member of DALC regarding this, who suggested changing bank accounts to the Unity Trust Bank. It was unanimously agreed by the councillors for the clerk to do some further research on the bank and maybe speak to a clerk who has made the change. Clerk to report back at the next meeting                    Clerk   Clerk     Clerk   Clerk
  7.  Planning Applications (Permitted & Refused are decisions by ESBC – P/2019/00570 – Reserved Matters application for the erection of two single storey dwellings with single storey accommodation including details of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale (Amended Description and Amended Drawings) – land rear of Alvaston College Road Denstone ST14 5HR – No Objections, however Cllr Shermer asked the clerk to send the comments that were sent out from the NPMG meeting. P/2020/00051 – Erection of a part first floor and part two storey rear extension (Revised Scheme) – Newholme, Stubwood Lane, Denstone Staffs ST14 5HU – No Objections, however Cllr Shermer asked the clerk to send the comments that were sent out from the NPMG meeting.P/2020/00049 – Installation of a domestic heating oil tank at the front of the property 15 Narrow Lane Denstone Staffs ST14 5DR No Objections.P/2019/01489 – Update – The clerk informed the meeting that she had received an email from Alan Harvey the planning officer (ESBC) that the highway authority raised an objection to the scheme as submitted on the basis of technical details.  The applicants are given the opportunity to see if they can address those. The application is ongoing.  Clerk           Clerk     Clerk     Clerk
  8.Bench for Bus Stop/CCF – Cllr Shermer informed the meeting that the Parish Council had been awarded the funding, the bench has been ordered and it has now arrived. It is going to be installed on Friday morning by Russ and Cllr Wright. The clerk is to contact the CCF and ask if they would supply a plaque for the bench, if not what wording would be required on the plaque.      Clerk
  9.Bus Shelter – Cllr Edmonds informed the meeting that the end panel on the bus shelter on the main road had shattered and needed replacing. Cllr Edmonds agreed to obtain the cost of a replacement and if necessary, the clerk will contact the insurers depending on the price.Cllr Edmonds Clerk
 10.Denstone Diary – Cllr Edmonds informed the meeting that the diary was going well, it is being sponsored by JCB again this year. However, it will not come out until after VE Day so that the celebrations could be included in this year’s diary.     
11.The Gardeners – Russ informed the meeting that he would be taking over from John and Pauline in the Autumn. It was agreed by the councillors that his lengthsman’s contract would therefore be extended to include these extra duties. 
12.V E Day Celebrations – Cllr Edmonds informed the meeting that the village would join in with the National Post World War II Cry for Peace at 6:55pm, At the war memorial there would be a reading with an adapted version and singing.at 7:00pm. The committee is still looking for volunteers to help during the day with setting up tables etc. If interested please contact the Parish Clerk. Cllr Kelly said that there was a possibility that a friend of hers could supply a post-World War II vehicle an Austin Champ for the day. Cllr Beckett-Fountain said that the cheque of £60 to cover the insurance for the event would be sent to the clerk as soon as possible. It was agreed to move the WWII display to the right-hand side of the Old Railway Line or possibly by the fountain in the village. Cllr Edmonds to discuss with Sue.            Cllr Edmonds
13.Loneliness – Cllr Mountney gave out paper work with regards to addressing loneliness in the village. This was discussed briefly and it was suggested that we would start with advertising what activities take place in the village hall. It was agreed that the clerk would put this on the website, and in the next edition of the Parish Press. Cllr Beckett-Fountain said that she would have an electronic copy of the current activities sent to the clerk. It was however agreed that loneliness would require a sub-committee. Cllrs Stratton, Kelly, Beckett-Fountain, Mountney and the clerk volunteered to be part of the group. Cllr Mountney to arrange a date for the first meeting.           Cllr Mountney
14.Denstone Meadow – Cllr Edmonds said that the meadow had flooded again, however they were hoping to clear away the rubbish and towards the end of March install the benches. 
15.Boundary Changes – Cllr Sankey informed the meeting that periodically the government change the council’s boundaries. It is now the turn of East Staffordshire. They are looking to reduce the number of councillors from 39 to 37. The suggestion is that Denstone will become part of the Weavers Ward. This means that they will no longer be in the same ward as Rocester. The prime objective is that there will be less rural voices and less representation. It was unanimously agreed by all councillors that the Parish Council would send a letter voicing their concerns regarding this. See letter attached.    Cllr Turner   Clerk
16.Village Hall Committee – Cllr Shermer informed the meeting that the Village Hall was celebrating its 60th Anniversary in 2020. The Parish Council agreed that this is excellent. A building survey has been done and the jobs required will be prioritised by a sub-committee. Cllr Shermer raised the issue of the large tree in the carpark being too tall for Christmas lights, should this be taken down?  It was agreed to discuss this at the next meeting. 
17.Country Show – The clerk informed the meeting that she had received an email from Philip Frampton (a member of the show committee) requesting a donation of £100 to pay for the First Aid Cover for the event. It was agreed that the clerk would contact Philip and ask for a quote from the First Aid Company.    Clerk
18.Highways issues Traffic issues & Stubwood sub-committee Cllr Shermer informed the meeting that Richard Rayson confirmed that the consultation for this would be in February and he would let her know the outcome of that.Potholes & drainage issues in the village – Cllr Ratcliffe informed the meeting that there was a hole at the side of College Road at Oliver’s Green with a long drop, this could be very dangerous for a pedestrian. Cllr Turner to send a picture to the clerk to report to SCC. Cllr Ratcliffe also suggested that the clerk should contact Urban Trees to see if there was any available for the Village. Cllr Turner raised the issue of the road works fence on the bridge on the way up to Alton Road, she said that she would send a photo for the clerk to report to SCC. Footpaths – Cllr Wright asked could a letter of thanks be sent to Steve for clearing all of the concrete blocks off the Old Railway Line. This was unanimously agreed. Clerk to send a letter of thanks.Pavements – None            Cllr Turner Clerk     Clerk
19.Finance/Payments – To approve the following payments: Proposed by Cllr Edmonds and seconded by Cllr Wright Webmaster pay for January 2020 = £25.00 [LGA 1972 s142 & 144] Clerk’s pay for January 2020 (Made by Standing Order) = £379.28 [LGA 1972 s112]Clerk’s expenses for January 2020 = £41.61 (LGA 1972 s111)Eon Lighting January 2020 = £22.49 [Parish Councils Act 1957 s3]J Etherington – Cleaning Village Hall Toilets January 2020 = £50.00Russ Whitehurst – Lengthsman January 2020 = £40.00Marmax – Bench = £292.80 (including VAT)Peter Robotham Travel expenses for Training in Telford 90@45p a mile = £40.50Play Safety Training at Telford for Peter Robotham =£300ESBC – Payment for Elections = £106.02 Items for Future Agenda – Best Kept VillageOld Railway LinePlay areaHedgesTree 
 Dates of next meeting 3rd March, 7th April, 5th May 2020 
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