| Attendees: Cllr M Shermer (Chair), Cllr B Wright, Cllr J Mountney, Cllr L Beckett-Fountain, Cllr C Kelly, Cllr K Stratton, J Turner, Cllr E Edmonds, Cllr S Ratcliffe and Borough Councillor S Sankey. Apologies None Cllr Shermer started by Wishing everyone a Happy New Year. | |
| The minutes of the meeting held on the 3rd December 2019. The minutes were signed and dated by Cllr M Shermer, and the clerk. These were agreed by all as a true record of the meeting. | |
| Declaration of interest None | |
| Adjournment for public participation – Planning application P/2019/01489 The residents of Richmond house read out their objections to the planning application. Please find a copy attached to the minutes. Jacquie Payne then informed the meeting that if this application is agreed then it will make a mockery of the Neighbourhood Plan and the Local plan and after all the hard work that was put into doing it for the village. This application will have an impact on all of the village and not just the surrounding properties. It was then agreed by the Parish Councillors to carry on and discuss this issue instead of later in the agenda. Cllr Shermer began by saying that the Neighbourhood Plan is very important to the Parish Council, so much that they have set up a Monitoring Group who got together to discuss this planning application and have produced a document for the Clerk to send to the ESBC. The document was sent out to the Councillors prior to the meeting for them to read. Cllr Shermer picked a few points out of the document and it was agreed that Cllr Turner would make a few changes and then send it back to Cllr Shermer who would then forward this to the clerk. A vote was then taken and it was unanimously agreed by the Parish Council to object to the planning application. A copy of the document is attached to the minutes. | Cllr Turner Cllr Shermer Clerk |
| Correspondence Received – It was agreed that the February Parish Council meeting would take place on the 11 February instead of the 4th. Clerk to contact John Etherington with regards to the hall’s availability. Northgate Surgery – Cllr Sankey met with the Business Manager and also the Practice Manager at the surgery and was informed that they had been signing off patients from the villages adjacent to Uttoxeter since February of this year. They have had to make this decision in order to accommodate the residents from new and prospective housing developments within the boundaries of Uttoxeter. Cllr Sankey raised the concern that there is no bus service from Denstone to Alton, which is one of the surgeries suggested as an alternative. The Practice Manager will bring this to the attention of the Practice and let Steve know of the outcome. Steve also asked if they had any idea as to whether the Balance Street surgery would be following suit and he was told that, although they couldn’t confirm it, they thought that Balance Street probably has the capacity to retain its present population. Website – The clerk informed the meeting that Cllr Shermer and herself met with Carolyn and it was agreed that Carolyn would carry on with the website and investigate further into the changes required and then come back to the Parish Council. In the meantime, it was unanimously agreed by the Parish Council that they would take on the Silver package which would cost £125 per year. These changes have to be made by September 2020.Lady Meadow Close Signage – The clerk informed the meeting that she had heard from SCC and it was unanimously agreed that the clerk would go back to the SCC and state that emergency services and carers were finding it difficult to find properties. Also, the sign was fading so a new one was required. Speed Limit – Alton – the clerk informed the meeting that she had not heard from the Alton clerk, however Russ the Lengthsman was at the meeting and it was agreed for the Alton clerk to contact Julie Sadler. It was agreed that the clerk would contact Selwyn (clerk to Alton) and also Sean the PCSO. Contribution to Speed Indication Signs – Outside School – The clerk had received an email from Rocester Parish asking for a donation towards a Speed indication signs for outside the school at Rocester. It was unanimously agreed by the Parish Council that they would not contribute to this as they felt it was not necessary. There are so many cars parked all along one side of the road during drop off in the morning and collection in the afternoon, that cars wishing to use the road have to drive so slowly to negotiate passing the parked cars that there isn’t any issue with speed. Clerk to contact Rocester Clerk. | Clerk Clerk Clerk Clerk |
6. | Planning Applications (Permitted & Refused are decisions by ESBC – P/2019/01489 – Outline application to develop land by the erection of 6 dwellings including details of access – Land South of College Road Denstone – see item 4 | Clerk |
7. | Bench for Bus Stop/CCF – Cllr Shermer informed the meeting that Cllr Edmonds had obtained a quote for the bench and Cllr Shermer had put in a request for CCF funding for the bench. However, she was informed by Sara that similar requests had been refused. | |
8. | Speedwatch College Road – Russ the Lengthsman informed the meeting that he had been watching the traffic down College road in the morning and it was terrible. Traffic was coming down from the college at 35mph too fast for the volume of the traffic. Clerk to contact Richard Rayson regarding a speed count and invite Kevin from Denstone College. Clerk to do a poster for more speed watch volunteers, also send a copy for the website and Facebook page. Cllr Shermer asked for an A5 copy to be able to do some leaflets for delivering in the village. | Clerk |
9. | Denstone Diary – Cllr Edmonds asked the Parish Council if they would like Sue to do the Denstone Diary again this year. It was unanimously agreed by the Parish Council that they would like this to continue. | |
.10. | Old Railway Line – Cllr Shermer informed the meeting that the railway line was now clear, however, there are still 9 blocks there but Steve is coming to remove these very shortly. It was agreed that some top soil was required. Cllr Beckett-Fountain to report at the March Meeting with regards to this. | |
11. | The Gardeners – Russ informed the meeting that he was talking with John and Pauline with regards to what jobs they did as gardeners. | |
12. | V E Day Celebrations – Cllr Edmonds informed the meeting that the group had a meeting in a couple of weeks’ times, so would report at the next meeting. The issue of insurance was discussed, Cllr Beckett-Fountain said that the trust had contacted their insurance to see if they could cover the day, however they had not heard back yet. However, it was agreed that the trust would donate the cost of the insurance if covered by the Parish Councils Insurance. Cllr Beckett-Fountain said David Boden was chasing the Trusts insurance. | |
13. | Denstone Meadow – Cllr Edmonds gave a brief update. | |
14. | Junior Play Area – Cllr Shermer informed the meeting that Cllr Beckett-Fountain had researched the cost of a new post and a new latching post for the junior play area. It was agreed that Cllr Beckett-Fountain would go ahead and order these and then the clerk will transfer the money from the maintenance account for the junior play area. Cllr Shermer suggested that there would be a sign erected giving the GPS co-ordinates and the three little words for the area. This was unanimously agreed. | |
15. | Traffic issues & Stubwood sub-committee Cllr Shermer informed the meeting that Richard Rayson confirmed that this would be done by the end of March. If this was not done Cllr Shermer would contact him.Potholes & drainage issues in the village – NoneFootpaths – None Pavements – Cllr Shermer informed the meeting that Richard Rayson confirmed that this would be done by the end of March. If this was not done Cllr Shermer would contact him. | |
16. | Finance/Payments – To approve the following payments: Proposed by Cllr Ratcliffe and seconded by Cllr Wright Webmaster pay for December = £25.00 [LGA 1972 s142 & 144] Clerk’s pay for December (Made by Standing Order) = £379.28 [LGA 1972 s112]Clerk’s expenses for December 2019 = £17.40 (LGA 1972 s111)Eon Lighting December 2019 = £21.77 [Parish Councils Act 1957 s3]J Etherington – Cleaning Village Hall Toilets December 2019 = £40.00Sue Ratcliffe – Dog Bins – £106.00Russ Whitehurst – Lengthsman £30.00Peter Robotham – £312.00 Items for Future Agenda – Loneliness Cllr Mountney | |
| Dates of next meeting 11th February, 3rd March, 7th April, 5th May 2020 | |