PC Minutes 10 September 2019

Denstone Village

PC Minutes 10th September 2019

 Attendees: Cllr J Mountney (Chair), Cllr E Edmonds, Cllr B Wright, Cllr S Ratcliffe, Cllr L Beckett-Fountain and Cllr C Kelly Apologies Cllr K Stratton, Cllr M Shermer, Cllr J Turner and Borough Councillor S Sankey 
 The minutes of the meeting held on the 2nd July 2019. The minutes were signed and dated by Cllr Jo Mountney, and the clerk. These were agreed by all as a true record of the meeting. 
 Declaration of interest None 
 Adjournment for public participation – It was raised that the hedge at the bottom of Narrow Lane was getting bigger. It was agreed that the clerk would write to owner of the property and ask if the hedge could be cut.It was raised that there was a large pothole in the middle of the road outside Denstone Farm Shop. Clerk to report this in the usual way and also contact Councillor Sankey.It was raised that traffic was speeding down College Road, clerk was asked to contact the Transport Manager at the College to have a word with the parents. A member of the public asked when the road sweeper would be in the village again? Clerk agreed to contact SCC to see how often they come and when they are due next.It was also raised that there was a lot of straw left in the village after the show on Saturday. Cllr Beckett-Fountain said that she would look into getting it removed.  Clerk     Clerk   Clerk   Clerk       Cllr Beckett Fountain
 Matters Arising/Clerks Report Correspondence Received –The clerk read out a letter from the Royal British Legion expressing their thanks to the Parish Council for moving their meeting date from the 3rd September to the 10th September to accommodate their Night to Remember. Mural – Cllr Mountney expressed sincere thanks to the Denstone Art Group and all who helped with the mural and congratulated everyone on such a successful Mural. The clerk was asked to send a letter of thanks to Denstone Art Group on behalf of the Parish Council.Checking Accounts – The clerk brought the accounts and passed them to Cllr Ratcliffe who would check them and then pass them onto Cllr KellyLengthsman’ Post – The clerk informed the meeting that she had received an email requesting more information about the lengthsman’s post. The clerk had forwarded the email to Cllr Wright to supply further details to the interested party.Grit Bin – The clerk informed the meeting that the bin had now been delivered to the school.Audit – The clerk informed the meeting that the audit report had been received and she would forward it onto the Parish Councillors and have it put onto the website.Informal planning session – This will take place on the 8th October in Mayfield. The clerk asked if anyone else would like to come to the session then could they please let her know as soon as possible.        Clerk     Cllrs Ratcliffe and Kelly Cllr Wright       Clerk    
6.Housing Needs Survey it was unanimously agreed by the Parish Council that the clerk would produce a notice for the notice boards, website and the Facebook page informing the members of the Denstone that The survey is not from Denstone Parish CouncilThere is no legal requirement to complete the survey.Denstone Parish already has in place an officially adopted Neighbourhood Plan 2017 which incorporates YOUR housing needs and within this plan, sites are identified for developmentClerk      
7.  Planning Applications (Permitted & Refused are decisions by ESBC below P/2019//01011 – Erection of two storey and single front, side and rear extensions and formation of new gable to front elevation (Revised Scheme) – The Hive, Alton Road, Denstone, Staffs ST14 5DH – It was agreed that all the new brick work should be rendered and not just the front of the property and also On the rear the upper story windows are already installed but not as shown on the drawing. How can anyone accept that these drawings are indicative of the final proposed finish. Clerk to send objections to the ESBC P/2019/00775 – Conversion and alterations of former Denstone Stores (Class A1 Shops) to form a holiday let to include re-roofing and new door opening and soil vent pipe on eastern elevation and single window on southern elevation. – Denstone Village Stores College Road Denstone – No further actionP/2019//01041 – Erection of a single storey link extension between dwellings and garage. Broad View Cottage Stubwood Lane Denstone Staffordshire ST14 5HA – No objection.  Clerk
  8.Fresh Air Gym – Cllr Kelly informed the meeting that Cllr Shermer had received an email from a young man in the village giving feedback on the Fresh Air Gym. Cllr Shermer thanked the young man for his feedback. With regards to the funding for the Gym, unfortunately the Parish Council were unsuccessful on this occasion in securing funding from the Councils Community Fund. However, the Parish Council have been advised to apply again once they have something specific to apply for. Richard Twigg has now provided draft funding applications for submission to the National Lottery Community Fund and The Community Foundation for Staffordshire J & O Lloyd Trust Community Grant. The next meeting of the Fresh Air Gym sub-committee is on the 25th September.                  
  9.V E Day Celebrations – Cllr Edmonds informed the meeting that a steering group had been set up comprising of members of the Parish Council, Denstone Players, The Village Hall Committee, The British Legion and the WI.   The idea for the celebrations on the 8th May 2020 is that there will be one large Street party taking place in the centre of the village to mark the V E Celebration in 2020. Table and chairs will be provided by the group but everyone will have to bring their own food to eat. There will be dancing, music, the church bells will be ringing. It will be self-funded and it was unanimously agreed that the Parish Council would donate £50 to the event. The next meeting of the steering group is the 24th September.           
10.BKV – Cllr Wright informed the meeting that the results have been published around the village Denstone achieved Highly Commended. Cllr Shermer has personally thanked all involved and the Parish Council would like to pass on thanks to the hardworking members of the BKV committee and all members of the community for their hard work and support in achieving the award. Once the feedback arrives from the judges it will be put on the website for all to see. It was agreed that the clerk would put BKV back on the agenda at the end of the year, when a decision would be made if Denstone would be entering again next year. 
11.Social Media –. Cllr Mountney informed the meeting that she would continue with this now the summer was over and asked the Parish Councillors to return the questionnaires to her or let her know if they did not want to be included. Cllr Mountney to send out the questionnaire to the clerk.  Cllr Mountney
12.Denstone Diary – Cllr Edmonds asked if the profit from the Denstone Diary could be paid to Denstone Meadow. The profit over that last few years is £200. It was unanimously agreed that this could be paid Denstone Meadow. Clerk to transfer the funds. Clerk
13.Denstone Meadow – Cllr Edmonds gave a brief update of what’s happening at the meadow. It will be opening late spring early summer. As soon as the group have more information an article will be put on the website. It was agreed that this would now be an agenda item every month so that Cllr Edmonds could give an update to the meeting. 
14.Country Show Representative – Cllr Beckett-Fountain informed the meeting that the show went very well. The weather was very good and although there weren’t as many people as last year there was more of a community feel. An estimate of £2000 profit was made at the show and next years date of the show has already been agreed. It is the 5th September 2020. There will be a theme to next years show “Through the Decades” Any funding requests for the money raised at the show should be made by the 30th November 2019. 
15.Village Hall Committee feedback – 1 The flag has been removed as not felt to be in keeping, temporary installation for the period of the BKV in the absence of a name plate. 2. Village Hall sign – research is ongoing. 3. Clock – to be replaced 4. Scope Clothing Bank – not favoured as there have been problems at other village halls. 
16.Privet Hedge near the fountain – Cllr Wright informed the meeting that this does belong to the Village Hall. Cllr Wright has volunteered to have a go at cutting it.Cllr Wright
17.Defibrillator Checking at the Village Hall – Checking of the Village Hall defibrillator has been passed to Cllr Wright.Cllr Wright
18.Highways Issues – Traffic Issues & Stubwood sub-committee –Cllr Mountney informed the meeting that Cllr Shermer had received an email from John Kavanagh at JCB on the 18th August assuring her that the matter is being progressed and he will contact the Parish Council when there is any news. Potholes and drainage issues in the village – See item 4BFootpaths – nothing to reportPavements – Clerk to contact SCC regarding the pavements on Marlpit lane.     
19.Finance/Payments – To approve the following payments: Proposed by Cllr Ratcliffe and seconded by Cllr Wright. Webmaster pay for July & August 2019= £50.00 [LGA 1972 s142 & 144] Clerk’s pay for July & August 2019 (Made by Standing Order) = £379.28 [LGA 1972 s112] Clerk’s expenses for June 2019 = £36.35 (LGA 1972 s111) Eon Lighting June 2019 = £22.49 [Parish Councils Act 1957 s3] J Etherington – Cleaning Village Hall Toilets August 2019 =£50.00 Cavell Portman – Lengthsman = July £87.98 +August £35.00 = 122.98 Tree surgery and Garden Maintenance – Denstone Meadow – £300 Mazars LLP Audit – £288 Playsafety Teens Play Area = £82.20 Junior Play Area = £114.00 Peter Robotham – Turf reinforcement mesh – £241.74 – replace chq102212 Peter Robotham – Survey Line for Play Area – £15.56 – replace chq 102211 Eon Lighting £42.81(paid) Robert Morton – Bench Renovation – £30.00 (paid) Peter Robotham – Turf reinforcement mesh – £241.74(paid) Peter Robotham – Survey Line for Play Area – £15.56 (paid) Denstone Art Group – Painting of the Mural = £148.27 (paid) J Etherington – Cleaning Village Hall Toilets July 2019= £40.00 (paid) 
 Items for future Agenda Reports of both the play areas.Stone work on the railway line – Clerk to chase the ranger.   
 Dates of next meeting, 1st October ,5th Nov and 3rd Dec 2019 
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