Minutes of Denstone Parish Council Meeting 11th November 2024 at 7.00pm
- Cllr Turner (Chair), Cllr Shermer, Cllr Edmonds, Cllr M Flower, Cllr Wright, Cllr Stratton, Cllr Mountney, Borough Councillor Steve Sankey (ESBC)and Julie Sadler (Clerk)
There were 10 members of the public present.
Apologies: Cllr C Naylor and Cllr Ratcliffe
- To receive declarations of interest – None.
- To approve the minutes of the 14th October 2024. The minutes were approved and agreed by all as a true record of the meeting. They were signed and dated by Cllr Turner (Chair)
- Adjournment for public participation
- Roberts Green planning application – it was raised by a member of the public that the planning application for Roberts Green had been called into committee. As yet a date had not been set for the application. The councillors were asked what the procedure was for attending the planning committee meeting. Cllr Turner confirmed that 3 peoplae who objected to the application could attend and speak for 3 minutes only. Cllr Sankey confirmed that this was given on a first come basis. It was agreed that as soon as the date of the meeting was known information would be put on the Denstone Matters Facebook page so members of the village could apply to attend the meeting if they wish as when the application came out originally there was a great deal of social media interest so it is hoped that people in the village who use the playing field would like to speak. Cllr Sankey agreed to co-ordinate any potential objectors. Therefore if you would like to be one of the objectors then please contact Cllr Sankey his contact details can be found https://www.eaststaffsbc.gov.uk/council-democracy/councillors/councillor-steve-sankey
It was also raised that maybe this was the start of many changes to come in the village. Cllr Turner stated that we can only deal with things as they arise. The planning application will be looked at on its own merits. The planning committee will not look at what might come next. Action Clerk
- Matters Arising/Clerk’s report
- Correspondence Received
- Service on equipment used by the Lengthsman. Cllr Edmonds confirmed that he had spoken to TaylorMade and they had offered to give the Parish Council a discount on the work required. A quote for the work would be brought to the next meeting.
- The clerk informed the meeting that Councillor Shermer and herself would be attending the domain meeting on the 3rd December and would update the council at the next meeting. Action Clerk
- Drains – The clerk informed the meeting that she had heard from Cllr Atkins stating that the CCTV survey was undertaken on 03/10/24. The good news, the system is clear under the road. However, the survey was not fully completed and more work is required to continue with the survey so the drainage system can be accessed. There are no silt traps in some of the gullies. These ideally would need replacing with new type gully pots in the future. When they have the full picture with the rest of the drainage system, SCC officers can move forward with a plan for a complete solution. As no dates were given as to when this work would be done it was agreed that the clerk would write back to Cllr Atkins. Cllr Sankey also stated that he had been asked by other members of the village about the drainage situation so agreed also to have a word with Cllr Atkins regarding this. Action Clerk and Cllr Sankey.
- Railway Line Fence – The clerk informed the meeting that she had still not heard regarding the replacement of the fence. Cllr Sankey said that he would chase this on the councillors behalf. Action Cllr Sankey
- Railway line – Cllr Sankey stated that he had been asked again regarding the flooding on the railway line. Cllr Turner stated that the council had already contacted the ranger and Souths Staffordshire water regarding this. However it was agreed that the clerk would contact Severn Trent Water. Action Clerk
- Street Light on Jardines Lane – The clerk informed the meeting that the broken lamp post had been removed and could not be put back where it was so it was unanimously agreed that the clerk would contact all people who lived in the Lane to see if they wanted the lamp replacing before any further action was taken. Action Clerk
- Hedge – Memorial and Play area, Marlpit Lane and Hollis Lane – Cllr Turner thanked David Green (Specialist Tree Care) for cutting the hedge at the war memorial free of charge. However the other side of the hedge on the play area needed cutting it was therefore agreed that the clerk would ask David Green to give the Parish Council a quote for cutting it. Marlpit Lane hedge has now been sorted and Hollis Lane will be cut later in November but is alright at the moment. Action Clerk
- Sakura Cherry Tree Project – It was unanimously agreed that the clerk would not apply for a cherry tree for the village.
- Correspondence Received
- Planning (Permitted & Refused are decisions by ESBC) – Cllr Turner
- P/2024/01037 – Change of use of attached guest house annexe (Class C1) into six apartments (Class C3) – Heywood Hall, College Road, Denstone, Staffordshire, ST14 5HR – The councillors unanimously agreed that they had no objection to this application but once again work had already begun and it was thought that some were already occupied. It was agreed that the comments would be that once again this is a retrospective application which isn’t the correct procedure. Action Clerk.
- P/2024/00690 – Upper Croft Oak Road Denstone – Application under Section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for the removal of Condition 12 of planning permission P/2021/00235 etc.- the clerk informed the Parish Council that she is still awaiting come back from the Planning Officer regarding the question raised by the councillors at the last meeting. Clerk to chase Action Clerk
- P/2024/00995 – Application under Section 73 to vary Condition 2 (plans) attached to planning permission P/2020/01335 for the demolition of existing barn and erection of two No. detached dwellings and associated detached double garages/home office buildings to the rear served with new access for amendments to the design of the dwellings – Land adjacent to Ford Croft House, Oak Road, Denstone, ST14 5HT – it was unanimously agreed that the comments forwarded prior to the meeting would be sent onto the planning officer. Action Clerk
- NP review update – Cllr Turner informed the meeting that they are waiting for a further meeting with the ESBC.
- Planning appeal – 3324113 – Cllr Turner confirmed that the Parish Council had received confirmation that the Enforcement Notice is to be complied with by 28/11/24.
- Highways – Cllr Shermer
- Feasibility Study – Cllr Shermer confirmed that she had still not received a response from SCC, however she would continue to chase and this would be raised at the meeting with Jacob Collier MP on the 20th December 2024. Action Cllr Shermer
- Data Collection B5031 decision – The clerk confirmed that she had still not received a response from SCC, however she would continue to chase and this would be raised at the meeting with Jacob Collier MP on the 20th December 2024 Action Clerk
- Potholes – nothing to raise.
- Extended Warranty on SIDs – It was unanimously agreed that the 3 year warranty for the SIDs would be taken out and the clerk would move this forward. Action Clerk
- Play Area – Cllr Flower
- Roundabout – Cllr Flower confirmed that the roundabout on the play area had now been repaired. Cllr Turner thanked Cllr Flower for all his work with this.
- Finance
- Precept 2025/26 – the clerk informed the meeting that prior to the next meeting all documents regarding the budget and the setting of the precept would be sent out for discussion at the December meeting. Action Clerk
- Miscellaneous
- Denstone College – Cllr Shermer and Cllr Edmonds had attended a meeting with the head of Denstone College on the 8th November 2024. On the 6th November a data collection exercise was carried out and it showed 307 cars heading towards the college. This is an increase of 19 more than the last count in January 2024. There were less coaches though and this is due to them being out-sourced. The head confirmed that the increase was due to it being an assessment day where people were looking at possibly joining the 6th There was also a speed watch exercise where 428 vehicles were recorded passing in 85 minutes. Of these 426 were travelling at 30mph or less, one at 33mph and one at 34mph. The limit for recording and reporting to the police is 35mph. The head is more than happy to continue to work with the village to help with any issues that we have. A huge thank you to all those who carried out the data collection and to the CSW team.
- Payments – To approve the following payments:
Cllr Turner went through the payments individually. The payments were proposed by Cllr Stratton and seconded by Cllr Edmonds and agreed by all. All payments would be processed online by Cllr Shermer and Cllr Flower. All invoices would be signed and would be returned to the clerk once actioned.
- Carolyn Hinton – Website – pay for October 2024 = £25.00 [LGA 1972 s142 & 144]
- Clerk’s pay for October 2024 (Made by Standing Order) = Net Pay £530.70 [LGA 1972 s112]
- HMRC – Clerk – Tax – October 2024 – £128.40
- J Sadler – expenses – Stationery – £11.99
- N Power – Electricity – October 2024 – £47.94
- Stuart Smith Lengths man – October 2024 – £103.50
- The School Playground Company Limited – Repair to roundabout – £800 +VAT £160 = £960.00
- J Sadler Pay increase back pay April – December 2024 £160.29
items for Future Agenda
- Bins
- Footpath
- Day of meetings in the new year
Closed Meeting
- Clerks Pay increase and New Standing order from 1.12.24 – it was unanimously agreed to increase the clerks pay inline with the recent pay award. The clerk would be awarded back pay of £160.29 and the standing order would be changed from 1st December 2024.Action Cllr Flower and Cllr Shermer.
Date of next meeting: Monday 9th December at 7.00 pm in the Village Hall Denstone.