PC Minutes 13 January 2025

Denstone Village

Draft Minutes of Denstone Parish Council Meeting 13th January 2025 at 7.00pm

  1. Present

Cllr Turner (Chair), Cllr Shermer, Cllr Edmonds, Cllr M Flower, Cllr Wright, Cllr Stratton, Cllr Mountney, Cllr Ratcliffe, Borough Councillor Steve Sankey (ESBC) and Julie Sadler (Clerk)

There were 8 members of the public present at the meeting.

Apologies None

  1. To receive declarations of interest – None.
  2. To approve the minutes of the 9th December 2024. The minutes were approved and agreed by all as a true record of the meeting. They were signed and dated by Cllr Turner (Chair)
  3. Adjournment for public participation
    1. Pothole – a member of the public informed the Parish Council of a pothole on Alton Road just before the bridge. It was agreed that the clerk would report this. Action Clerk

A further number of potholes were mentioned by a member of the village also along Alton Road. Apparently this was booked to be sorted last year but no action was taken. Clerk to chase. Action Clerk

  1. Council Vacancy – The clerk informed the meeting that she had received confirmation from ESBC to go forward and co-opt a new councillor. It was agreed that the clerk would advertise and put the closing date prior to the next meeting so hopefully the Parish Council could appoint a new councillor at the next meeting. Clerk to advertise on the noticeboards, website and the Denstone Matters Facebook page. Action Clerk
  2. Matters Arising/Clerks report
    1. Correspondence Received
      1. The clerk informed the meeting that she had received a letter of thanks from the Royal British Legion for their donation.
      2. The clerk informed the meeting that she had received correspondence from the Tom Boden Memorial Sports Trust confirming that the Parish Council had their full support regarding the Roberts Green issue. Cllr Turner gave thanks on behalf of the Parish Council.
    2. Railway Line Fence – The clerk informed the meeting that she had not heard anything further and neither had Cllr Sankey. Clerk to chase. Action Clerk
    3. Street Light on Jardines Lane – The clerk informed the meeting that she had received a number of emails and phone calls from residents living in Jardines Lane stating that they would like the lamp post replaced as it is very dark down the lane. It was agreed that Cllr Shermer and the clerk would carry out a site visit with a representative from EON and discuss the possibility of replacing the lamp post. Action Clerk and Cllr Shermer.
    4. War Memorial Hedge/Tree on Oak Road – The clerk had spoken to David Green and he had confirmed that he had the appropriate insurance to carry out the work. A date of the 6th February had been given by Mr Green to carry out the work. This was agreed by the councillors. Clerk to inform Mr Green. Action Clerk
    5. Domain Change – The clerk informed the meeting that she had arranged a Zoom meeting to take place on the 14th February for herself, Cllr Shermer and the clerk from Checkley Parish Council. The clerk from Checkley had already taken 2 parish councils through the change. The clerk will update the Parish Council at the next meeting in February of the outcome. Action Clerk
  1. Planning (Permitted & Refused are decisions by ESBC) – Cllr Turner
    1. Planning appeal – 3324113 the clerk informed the meeting that she had received confirmation from ESBC that the structure had now been taken down. No further action is required.
    2. NP Review – Cllr Turner informed the meeting that they were still awaiting a date for a meeting with the ESBC. In the meantime a letter had been sent to the senior person at the ESBC to help move this along. As soon as the Parish Council know anything further they will update the village.
  2. Highways – Cllr Shermer
    1. Feasibility Study – Cllr Shermer informed the meeting that she was still waiting to hear from members of the Highways team regarding this. This will be discussed at the meeting with Jacob Collier MP on Friday 17th
    2. Data Collection B5031 decision – The clerk informed the meeting that she was still waiting to hear from members of the Highways team regarding this. This will be discussed at the meeting with Jacob Collier MP on Friday 17th

The Parish Council are somewhat disappointed at the length of time both of the above issues have taken.

  1. Potholes – Cllr Flower raised the issue of a further pothole just before you turn into College Road from the Main Road. Clerk to take a photo and report it to the SCC. Action Clerk
  1. Green Spaces
    1. Footpath issue – The clerk informed the meeting that she had received correspondence from a member of the village regarding the situation of nettles and overgrown brambles on the path that runs parallel to the B5031. The clerk informed the meeting that she had asked the lengthsman to tidy this up. Cllr Ratcliffe also agreed to have a word with JCB to see if they could do anything to make this better. Clerk to update the member of the village. Action Cllr Ratcliffe and the Clerk.
  2. Play Area – Cllr Flower
    1. Play Area Inspection – Cllr Flower informed the meeting that he had sent a copy of the weekly checks done on the play area for the last year to the clerk. The inspection of the play area had also taken place in December. A few small issues had been raised, which will be dealt within the coming months. Cllr Turner thanked Cllr Flower for all the work he had done on the play area.
  3. Village Hall – Cllr Stratton
    1. Hire of Hall – The clerk informed the meeting that an invoice had been received from the village hall for payment for the hire of the hall. The invoice was unanimously agreed by all.
    2. Outside Toilet – The clerk informed the meeting that an invoice had been received from the village hall for payment for cleaning of the outside toilet. The invoice was unanimously agreed by all.

It was suggested that the Parish Council be sent invoices quarterly instead of half yearly. Cllr Stratton agreed to raise this at the next Village Hall meeting on the 17th January 2025. Action Cllr Stratton.

  1. Finance

The clerk informed the meeting that the form had now been received from ESBC so the details of the agreed precept for 25/26 at last month’s meeting would be sent to the ESBC. Action Clerk

  1. Miscellaneous
    1. Bins – Cllr Mountney informed the meeting that one of the bins had been installed correctly however, the other new bin was in the wrong place. Clerk to go back to ESBC and ask for a further bin to installed in Stubwood Hollow as originally suggested. Action Clerk
    2. Denstone Meadow – Cllr Edmonds informed the meeting that a section of “new hedge” that was planted when the road works were carried out and came to us when the land was purchased is now at an age for “laying” and this is programmed to be carried out in February.
    3. Brook behind the shop – Cllr Flower asked could the brook behind the shop be checked on a regular basis by the lengthsman. It was agreed that it would be better if anyone noticed the brook was getting full they should contact the clerk on denstonepc@gmail.com who will in turn contact the lengthsman.
  2. Payments – To approve the following payments:

The clerk went through the payments individually. The payments were proposed by Cllr Stratton and seconded by Cllr Edmonds and agreed by all. All payments would be processed online by Cllr Shermer and Cllr Flower. All invoices would be signed and would be returned to the clerk once actioned.

  1. Carolyn Hinton – Website – pay for December 2024 = £25.00 [LGA 1972 s142 & 144]
  2. Clerk’s pay for December 2024 (Made by Standing Order) = Net Pay £550.63[LGA 1972 s112]
  3. HMRC – Clerk – Tax – December 2024 – £134.40
  4. N Power – Electricity – December 2024 – £55.34
  5. Stuart Smith Lengths man – December 2024 – £23.00
  6. Play Area Inspection – £110.00 + VAT £22.00 – Total £132.00
  7. Silver Service Domain – Stafffordshire County Council – £132.95
  8. Village Hall – Hire of the hall and outside Toilet – £115.00
  1. items for Future Agenda

No items were raised for the next meeting.

Date of next meeting – The date of the next meeting will be 10th February 2025 at 7.00pm in the Village Hall Denstone.


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