PC Minutes 14 October 2024

Denstone Village

Draft Minutes of Denstone Parish Council Meeting 14th October 2024 at 7.00pm

  1. Cllr Turner (Chair), Cllr Shermer, Cllr Edmonds, Cllr M Flower, Cllr Wright, Cllr Stratton, Cllr Mountney, Borough Councillor Steve Sankey (ESBC)and Julie Sadler (Clerk)

There were 10  members of the public present.

Apologies: Cllr C Naylor and Cllr Ratcliffe

  1. To receive declarations of interest – Cllr Mountney 10a
  2. To approve the minutes of the 18th September 2024. The minutes were approved and agreed by all as a true record of the meeting. They were signed and dated by Cllr Turner (Chair)
  3. Adjournment for public participation
    1. Hollis Lane Hedge – this was raised by a member of the public as being overgrown. It was unanimously agreed that the clerk would contact Cllr Ratcliffe to see if he knew who the owner of the property was. Action Clerk
    2. Narrow Lane – it was raised again regarding the mini-buses using the lane from the college. The clerk informed the meeting that she contacted the college after the last meeting and had now been informed that an email had been sent to all staff to ensure that they are not using Narrow Lane in a school minibus.
    3. T- junction at College Road and B5031- it was raised that the road was in a dreadful state. A member of the public agreed to send the clerk a photo for her to report it to SCC. Action Clerk
    4. Speeding traffic College Road – Cllr Steve Sankey informed the meeting that he had been contacted my members of the public who had raised the issue again regarding speeding traffic on College Road. It was agreed that the CSW team would cover the road and report back before the next meeting. Cllr Shermer also agreed to contact the College to arrange a meeting with the head for her and Cllr Edmonds. Action Cllr Shermer
  4. Matters Arising/Clerk’s report
    1. Correspondence Received
      1. GDPR – it was unanimously agreed that the clerk would request further information regarding funding for changing emails to .gov.uk Action Clerk
      2. Defibrillator Funding – The clerk informed the meeting that she had seen some further funding available for an additional defib. It was agreed that the clerk would once again look into this. Action Clerk
  • Roberts Green – The clerk informed the meeting that she had been sent a photo from a member of the village showing a private sign on Roberts Green. Cllr Sankey confirmed that as this was a public footpath the clerk should contact the footpath department at SCC. Action Clerk
  1. P/2024/00690 – the clerk informed the meeting that Alan Harvey (planning officer) ESBC had confirmed that he had spoken to the agent regarding the concern of one of the properties being used as an Airbnb. They confirmed that the property was briefly rented out via Airbnb but this ceased in September. It is understood it is no longer listed on Airbnb. Cllr Flower stated that there was still a light on in the property. Clerk to go back to Alan Harvey. Action Clerk
  1. Drains – The clerk informed the meeting that she had heard from Cllr Atkins that the survey work was carried out on the 3rd It was agreed that the clerk would go back and ask if work completed. Action Clerk.
  2. Railway Line Fence – Clerk confirmed that there was no further update but she would continue to chase. Action Clerk
  3. Railway line Sign – It was agreed that this would be readdressed again in the spring. Action Clerk
  4. Alton Towers Meeting – Russ Whitehurst updated the meeting stating that the majority of the meeting had been discussing traffic on small lanes, working with the Satnav companies to redirect traffic and noise from the park. He agreed that Alton Towers were being very proactive and there was a further meeting scheduled for the new year.
  5. Stream behind the shop – The Parish Councillors expressed a huge thank you to Gary Plant for once again clearing out the stream at the back of the shop.
  6. Zoom subscription renewal – it was unanimously agreed that the Zoom subscription would not be renewed as this was not used anymore. If it was required again then the Parish Council would just have a free 40 minute meeting. Action Clerk
  7. Street Light on Jardines Lane – the clerk informed the meeting that one of the lamp posts owned by the Parish Council had been damaged. The clerk had received a quote from EON for this to be replaced. Cllr Shermer agreed to take a picture of the damage for the clerk to send to the insurance company. Action Cllr Shermer.
  1. Planning (Permitted & Refused are decisions by ESBC) – Cllr Turner
    1. P/2024/00995 – Application under Section 73 to vary Condition 2 (plans) attached to planning permission P/2020/01335 for the demolition of existing barn and erection of two No. detached dwellings and associated detached double garages/home office buildings to the rear served with new access for amendments to the design of the dwellings – Land adjacent to Ford Croft House, Oak Road, Denstone, ST14 5HT – it was agreed that further research was required on this application before comments made. Cllr Turner agreed to send an email to councillors. Action Cllr Turner
    2. Bank House Farm Appeal – The clerk informed the meeting that the appeal has been upheld.
    3. P/2019/01489 – Cllr Turner informed the meeting that this application had now been withdrawn and confirmed all members of the village who donated funds to take this to high court if required would now be contacted and their donations returned. Action Cllr Turner.
    4. NP review update – Cllr Turner confirmed that the Neighbourhood Plan has already got legal status and the technical support between Urban Vision and the ESBC had begun.
  2. Highways – Cllr Shermer
    1. Feasibility Study – Cllr Shermer confirmed that she had still not received a response from SCC, however she would continue to chase.
    2. Data Collection B5031 decision – The clerk informed that she had also not received any response from the SCC regarding this. However, she had managed to arrange a meeting with Jacob Collier MP for Thursday 17th Cllrs Shermer and Turner would attend. It was agreed that the following issues would be raised. Drains, Feasibility Study, Data Collection and staffs way.
    3. Potholes – Cllr Mountney raised the issue of potholes in Stubwood near the telephone box. Cllr Shermer agreed to send photographs to the clerk to report to SCC. Action Cllr Shermer.
  3. Play Area – Cllr Flower
    1. Roundabout – Cllr Flower confirmed that he was still waiting to hear from the play equipment company but would chase. Action Cllr Flower
  1. Finance
    1. Financial Services Ombudsman Campaign Survey – the clerk brought this to the attention of all the councillors and had sent the email with the link to the survey should they wish to take part.
  2. Miscellaneous
    1. War Memorial – The clerk informed the meeting that RTS had kindly jet washed the War Memorial area and a working party which included some councillors and other members of the village had tided, weeded and swept the area in preparation for remembrance Sunday. A huge thanks from the Parish Council to RTS and all those who took part in the working party. Cllr Turner now agreed to contact RJS to come back and look at the paving.
    2. Car Scheme in the village – It was agreed that the clerk would contact Roy and ask him information regarding the scheme. This could then be put on a flyer and distributed around the village.
    3. Hedge – Memorial and Play area – Cllr Mountney agreed to contact Scott and Dave regarding the cutting of the hedge. Action Cllr Mountney.
    4. Car Parking in the village – this was discussed at length and a couple of suggestions were made. However it was agreed that this would be raised at the meeting with Jacob Collier.
    5. Overgrown hedge on Marlpit Lane – Cllr Wright confirmed that he had spoken to the landowner who assured him that the hedge would be cut back. Clerk to send original email to Cllr Wright. Action Clerk
  3. Payments – To approve the following payments:

Cllr Turner went through the payments individually and also added a payment for the outside toilet of £40 to John Etherington. The payments were proposed by Cllr Shermer and seconded by Cllr Stratton and agreed by all. All payments would be processed online by Cllr Shermer and Cllr Flower. All invoices would be signed and would be returned to the clerk once actioned.

  1. Carolyn Hinton – Website – pay for September 2024 = £25.00 + Renewal of Domain Name £33.59 Total £58.59[LGA 1972 s142 & 144]
  2. Clerk’s pay for September 2024 (Made by Standing Order) = Net Pay £398.92 [LGA 1972 s112]
  3. Clerks back pay of increased hours £164.78
  4. HMRC – Clerk – Tax – September 2024 – £95.60
  5. N Power – Electricity – September 2024 – £44.58
  6. John Etherington – Outside Toilet – September 2024 – £40.00
  7. Stuart Smith Lengths man – September 2024 – £73.79
  8. RBL – wreath for Remembrance day – £50
  1. items for Future Agenda – Nothing raised

Date of next meeting:  Monday 11th November at 7.00 pm in the Village Hall Denstone

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