Draft Minutes of Denstone Annual Parish Council Meeting 21st May 2024 at 7.00pm
- Cllr Turner (Chair), Cllr M Flower, Cllr C Naylor, Cllr M Shermer, Cllr Wright and Julie Sadler (Clerk) Apologies: Cllr E Edmonds, Cllr Stratton, Cllr Ratcliffe, Cllr Mountney and Borough Councillor Steve Sankey (ESBC) There were 8 Members of the village at the meeting.
- Election of Chair – Cllr Shermer proposed, and Cllr Flower seconded that Cllr Turner was to remain as the Chair. Councillor Turner accepted. Agreed by all
- Election of Vice Chair – Cllr Shermer proposed, and Cllr Wright seconded that Cllr Mountney was to remain as the Vice Chair. Councillor Mountney confirmed to the clerk before the meeting that she was happy to remain as Vice Chair if no one else wanted it. Agreed by all.
- The Minutes of the Meeting held 8th April 2024 –The minutes were approved and agreed by all as a true record of the meeting. They were signed and dated by Cllr Turner (Chair)
- To receive declarations of interest – None
- Adjournment for public participation
- 28 houses College Road – it was raised by a member of the public that he was concerned about a planning application to build 28 houses on College Road. Cllr Turner confirmed that there was no planning application for this. The wording is off the ESBC website, there is a plot of land in Denstone and it is calculated that there is capacity to build 28 houses on it. With regards to the building of a bungalow there has only been outline planning so far.
- Railway line – it was raised that there had been paint put on the shelter and the bench on the railway line. Cllr Wright is already in the process of cleaning this off. Thank you to Cllr Wright.
It was also reported that there was still a wet patch on the railway line even after all the dry weather. Cllr Naylor agreed to take pictures to send to the clerk who will forward them onto the ranger. Action Cllr Naylor and Clerk
- Matters Arising/Clerk’s report
- Correspondence Received
- Bus Shelter at Stubwood – the clerk informed the meeting that Mr W Ratcliffe had repaired the bus shelter at Stubwood and has made an excellent job. It was unanimously agreed that the clerk would send a letter of thanks. Action Clerk
- Alton Towers – The clerk informed the meeting that instead of councillors going to meetings with Alton Towers, members of Alton Towers would come to the village. Clerk already in contact with Alton Towers and will chase a meeting date. It was agreed that Cllr Mountney is the liaison for Alton Towers but Cllrs Shermer, Wright and Naylor would be happy to attend once date agreed. Action Clerk
- Register of interests – the clerk sent out the forms for the councillors to complete. Some had been returned but still waiting for a couple. Clerk to chase. Action Clerk
- Insurance Renewal – The clerk informed the meeting that she had received a quote for the insurance and sent this out to all councillors. It was unanimously agreed that the quote of £1854.09 would be accepted. Action Clerk
- Drains – the clerk informed the meeting that the work on the drains was scheduled for the 20th May 2024. Cllr Shermer confirmed that she spoke to the workmen who informed her of a number of things that need doing. It was agreed that Cllr Turner would write to Cllr Atkins again, thanking him for the work done but also ask him if the additional work could be done. She also agreed to add to the email the situation regarding the gulley on Alton Road that had been reported in February and the gulley near the church lychgate that had been mentioned by a parishioner at the meeting. It was agreed that the clerk would contact Mike Webb regarding the Edging out on College Road that had been suggested by the work men. Clerk also to forward a copy of Cllr Shermer’s email to the owners of Stone House to keep them in the loop. Action Cllr Turner and Clerk
- Bus Shelter repair – The clerk informed the meeting that the bus shelter on the B5031 will be repaired on the 24th May 2024.
- Defibrillator – The clerk informed the meeting that the defibrillator at the village hall has received its new pads and is in full working order once again.
- Railway Line Fence – Clerk informed the meeting that she had heard from the ranger regarding the fence and the gates. He has confirmed that he is still not sure whose responsibility it is to repair the fence. Clerk to check the lease. Cllr Flower asked if a parishioner could have the wood. This was unanimously agreed but the parish council would like any signs and fittings off the gates. Action Cllr Flower and Clerk
- Correspondence Received
- Planning (Permitted & Refused are decisions by ESBC) – Cllr Turner
- P/2024/00376 – Application under Section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act
1990 for the removal of Condition 12 of planning permission P/2021/00235 for the erection of five No. dwellings relating to the removal of the requirement for the provision of an off-site foot way scheme along Oak Road – Upper Croft, Oak Road, Denstone, Staffordshire, ST14 5HT – It was unanimously agreed that the Parish Council did not agree to the removal of the condition. However if ESBC agreed to remove the condition then the Parish Council asked if the developers could make a contribution to the village instead of the footpath. Clerk to send objection to the ESBC. Action Clerk
- Bank House Farm Appeal – the clerk said that there was no further update on the appeal. Clerk will continue to chase. Action Clerk
- NP review update – Cllr Turner confirmed that the review had been delayed going to Committee due to additional comments from the Parish Council. Hopefully the Parish Council will be advised shortly of the next available committee meeting. The Parish Council will continue to keep all members of the Parish up to date.
- Highways – Cllr Shermer
- Feasibility Study – Cllr Shermer informed the meeting that her contact at the SCC had confirmed that the engineer has advised that there is a meeting this week to discuss the report now it has been amended further, it will then be passed over to the SCC after the sign off. Once they receive the report this will be passed to the Parish Council who will share its contents with the village. Hopefully this won’t be too long.
- Speeding on B5031 – Cllr Shermer confirmed that Alton Towers agreed to donate £1000 and Denstone Farm shop has agreed to donate £500 towards the cost of the SIDS for the B5031.Clerk to ask Cllr Mountney to send a letter of thanks to both parties. Action Clerk and Cllr Mountney.
- Data Collection B5031 decision – the clerk informed the meeting that she had been informed by her contact at the SCC that there was currently a problem with the software This means, at this moment, they are unable to action any Speed & Volume counts. As soon as this issue is resolved then they will arrange the count. It was agreed that the next best time would be the middle of September. Clerk to confirm this with her contact. Action Clerk
- Potholes – nothing further to add.
- Liaison
- Village Hall – Cllr Shermer confirmed that the village hall is looking to carry out some fundraising later in the year. This will be published around the village at the time. It was also agreed that the clerk would issue an invoice to the village hall for £250 towards the cost of the work carried out by the lengthsman for the village hall, the increase is due to the pay increase for the lengthsman. Action Clerk
- Play Area – Cllr Flower
- Quote from Hags for the roundabout – the clerk informed the meeting that a quote of £1568.00 had been received from Hags for the repair of the roundabout on the play area. It was agreed that the clerk would go back to Hags for a breakdown of the cost of installation and Cllr Flower would look for 2 more quotes to carry out the work. Action Clerk and Cllr Flower.
- Miscellaneous
- War Memorial – No further update at this time.
- Carved Tree – No further update at this time.
- Finance
- Signing off Governance Statement 2023/24 The clerk informed the meeting that the accounts had been checked by two councillors and then forwarded to the internal auditor who had agreed all items as a true record. The papers had then been issued before the meeting to all councillors. This was discussed, completed, and agreed and was signed by the clerk and Cllr Turner. The clerk would now forward the document to the external auditor. Agreed by all
- Signing off Accounting Statement 2023/24 – This was discussed and agreed and was signed by the clerk and Cllr Turner. Clerk to forward to the external auditor. Agreed by all Action Clerk
- Notice period for Public Rights – The clerk informed the meeting that the parishioners can ask to see the accounts and suggested that the Notice of Public Rights and Publication of Annual Governance and Accountability return be displayed on the 2nd June for the period 3rd June to the 12 July 2024. This was unanimously agreed. Action Clerk
- Payments – To approve the following payments:
Cllr Turner went through the payments individually. The payments were Proposed by Cllr Flower and seconded by Cllr Wright. All payments would be processed online by Cllr Shermer and Cllr Flower. All invoices would be signed and would be returned to the clerk once actioned.
- Lascombe Consulting – Website – pay for April 2024 = £25.00 [LGA 1972 s142 & 144]
- Clerk’s pay for April 2024 (Made by Standing Order) = Net Pay £398.92 [LGA 1972 s112]
- Clerk’s expenses April – travel – £5.40 + internal Audit travel £18.00 = £23.40
- HMRC April – Clerk – Tax – £95.40
- J Etherington – Cleaning Village Hall toilets April 2024 = £40.00
- N Power – Electricity – April 2024 £47.79
- Stuart Smith Lengthsman – April 2024 £148.54 + 11.34 (replacement pipe for leaf blower) = £159.88
- RTS clearing of drains on College Road – £440 + £88.00 (VAT) total £528.00
- Zurich Insurance Renewal – £1854.09 (3 Year )
- AEDdonate – Defibrillator Pads – £135.99 + £27.20 VAT Total = £163.19
- Abbey & Burton Glass – Repair to Bus Shelter – £495.00 +VAT £594.00
- SPCA – Annual Subscription – £302.00
items for Future Agenda
- Denstone wild life Meadow
- Update on the actions of the play area report
Date of next meeting: Monday 10th June at 7.00 pm in the Village Hall Denstone.