n | Attendees: Cllr M Shermer (Chair), Cllr B Wright, Cllr J Mountney, Cllr L Beckett-Fountain, Cllr C Kelly, Cllr K Stratton, J Turner, Cllr E Edmonds and Borough Councillor S Sankey. Apologies Cllr L Beckett-Fountain and Cllr S Ratcliffe. Cllr Shermer began the meeting by welcoming back Cllr Turner. | |
| The minutes of the meeting held on the 5th November 2019. The minutes were signed and dated by Cllr M Shermer, and the clerk. These were agreed by all as a true record of the meeting. | |
| Declaration of interest None | |
| Adjournment for public participation – It was raised by several people at the meeting that a number of people in the village had received a letter from Northgate surgery informing them that the doctors had to firm up their boundaries. This means that several people would have to move doctors and go to either Alton or Rocester surgery. Cllr Steve Sankey stated that he would look into this and come back to the Parish Council.Speed Limit on Alton Road – The clerk informed the meeting that she had heard from Alton Parish Councils clerk who has confirmed that he will raise this issue at the next meeting on the 12th December 2019. After the meeting he will let me know their thoughts. | Cllr Sankey |
| Correspondence Received – Cllr Shermer on behalf of the Parish Council would like to pass on her sincere thanks to Cavell Portman for all his hard work as Lengthsman. It was agreed that the clerk would put an article in the Parish Press every month after the meeting, giving a brief outline of what happened during the Parish Council Meeting. Online Banking – The clerk informed the meeting that she had still not heard from the bank so has decided to contact the SPCA to see what other Parish Councils do.Website – The clerk informed the meeting that she had heard back from Carolyn and it had been agreed that Cllr Shermer, the clerk and Carolyn would meet up to discuss this further and report back to the Parish Council at the next meeting. Cllr Kelly informed the meeting that Mark was around for the next few weeks if Carolyn wanted to meet up with him after the meeting. Precept – After a lot of discussion it was unanimously agreed that the precept for 2020/21 would be £15, 500 which was exactly the same as 2019/20. The clerk will send these details to the ESBC. | Clerk Clerk Clerk Clerk |
6. | Planning Applications (Permitted & Refused are decisions by ESBC – P/2019/00775 – Denstone Village Store College Road Denstone ST14 5HR – No ObjectionsP/2019/01389 – 4 Hawthorn Close, Denstone, Staffordshire, ST14 5HB – Clerk to contact the ESCBC highlighting the issue that the builders do not block the access to the houses. | Clerk |
7. | Bench for Bus Stop/CCF – It was agreed that Cllr Edmonds would research the cost of a recycled plastic bench for outside the bus stop in the village. Cllr Shermer agreed to apply for the funding to the CCF to cover the cost. | Cllr Shermer/Cllr Edmonds |
8. | Lady Meadow Close Signage – It was agreed that the clerk would contact the council with regards having a new street sign put up stating Lady Meadow Close leading to Bennion Grove | Clerk |
9. | Fresh Air Gym – Cllr Shermer would like to pass on her sincere thanks on behalf of the Parish Council to all the people who helped clear the teen play area. Cllr Shermer would also like to thank Steve the Ranger for filling in the holes and taking away all of the stones and bringing down the Picnic Benches. It may however need some top soil in the spring. Cllr Kelly agreed to contact Howard Sprenger. | |
10. | Bus Shelter – Councillor Shermer would like to pass on sincere thanks on behalf of the Parish Council to Terry and Judy Hood for the display in the Bus Shelter. | |
11. | The Gardeners – The clerk informed the meeting that she had received a letter of resignation from John and Pauline Gilbert from November 2020. Russ agreed to meet up with John to discuss what they do to see if he could take it on. | |
12. | V E Day Celebrations – Cllr Edmonds informed the meeting that things are moving along. The activities for the children are Teddy Bears Trail the week before, Frog Racing, Human Fruit Machine and hook the nose. There would be a toast at 3pm and at 7pm there would be a Denstone version of the peace cry. The road will be closed to the centre of the village. Cllr Edmonds also said that they are looking for spare chairs for the event. Cynthia said that she would ask the church. | |
13. | Denstone Meadow – Cllr Edmonds gave a brief update. | |
14. | Village Hall Committee Member – Cllr Shermer said that the Village Hall is thriving at the moment, the switch on of the light was a huge success. | |
15. | Village Show – Cllr Sankey said that his wife Sally is on the committee and he will update the Parish Council on how the show is progressing. | |
16. | Junior Play Area – Cllr Shermer informed the meeting that a meeting was held on the 12th November with Peter Robotham and David Boden. The following actions were agreed: Main entrance gate – To add an adjustable self-closing mechanism & rubber buffers – Laurie to look into sourcing and costing for thisEmergency Exit gate (bowling green side) – Laurie to source a new Latching post & Davidto fix the post in place. Then the gate needs to be taken down and trimmed –Margaret will ask Bob Wright & the Lengthsman if they could do this?Gates – Both gates need to be brightly painted on the inside to clearly show the exit points; this could be done as part of the Spring renovation plan. Gate 2 needs an ‘Emergency Exit sign’ if there isn’t one already. Margaret to check signageSignage: Need to check what signage there is and make sure the age limit is clearly shown. Also, need to add a new sign; ‘In case of emergency the GPS co-ordinates of this play area. Margaret agreed to find out this information. Following on from this the clerk asked if anyone had heard about a system called three little words? Cllr Turner said that she had and would report further on it at the February meeting. | |
17. | Traffic issues & Stubwood sub-committee – Cllr Shermer said that she had received an email from Richard Rayson stating that he had forwarded the Parish Councils preferred option for Stubwood Lane and this will now be designed into a workable drawing and costed. They would aim to have this completed by the end of March 2019 Also, he offered the Parish Council some gateways that were meant for Ellastone but could not be installed due to the narrow width of verge. Would Denstone be interested in having the gateways that are now surplus to be put on Stubwood Lane itself to aid the control of traffic speeds along the lane. It was agreed by the Parish Council that they would like the gateways. Margaret agreed to contact Richard regarding this.Potholes & drainage issues in the village – NoneFootpaths – None Pavements – None | Cllr Shermer |
18. | Finance/Payments – To approve the following payments: Proposed by Cllr Edmonds and seconded by Cllr Wright. Webmaster pay for November = £25.00 [LGA 1972 s142 & 144] Clerk’s pay for November (Made by Standing Order) = £379.28 [LGA 1972 s112]Clerk’s expenses for November 2019 = £17.40 (LGA 1972 s111)Eon Lighting November 2019 = £22.97 [Parish Councils Act 1957 s3]J Etherington – Cleaning Village Hall Toilets November 2019 =£40 + £3.50 = £43.50Russ Whitehurst Lengthsman – £55.00 | |
| Dates of next meeting 7th January and 4th February 2020 | |