PC Minutes 3 February 2022

Denstone Village

Minutes of Denstone Parish Council Meeting 3rd February 2022

  1. Attendees: Cllr M Shermer (Chair), Cllr S Ratcliffe, Cllr J Turner, Cllr B Wright, Cllr E Edmonds, Cllr L Fountain, Cllr K Stratton, Borough Councillor Steve Sankey and Julie Sadler (Clerk)
    Apologies: Cllr C Kelly and Cllr J Mountney
  2. The Minutes of the Meeting held on the 2nd December 2021 – The minutes were agreed by all as a true record of the meeting and were signed and dated by the Chair.
  3. Declaration of Interest – None.
  4. Adjournment for Public Participation
    Nothing was raised.
  5. Matters Arising/Clerk’s Report
    a. Correspondence Received
    Parish Council Forum – The clerk informed the meeting that she had sent the Parish Councils apologies for the next meeting on the 9th February. Sara had confirmed that the next meeting will be in May. As soon as a date is agreed she will inform the clerk.
    Bridleway – The clerk informed the meeting that she had written to the parishioner regarding the Bridleway issue and wished him well with his searches and said that the Parish Council will support any application to re-designate the section as a bridleway.
    The clerk confirmed that the Parish Council had not been informed of any of the circumstances regarding the filming that was due to take place on the 4th February.
    b. Internal Audit
    It was agreed by the Parish Council that the clerk should contact Janice Jackson and request that she carry out the internal audit for the Parish Councils accounts for 2021/22.Action Clerk
    c. Lease for Old Railway line
    The clerk informed the meeting that the lease had now been agreed and she was awaiting a stamped and signed copy from SCC.
    d. Alton Towers Traffic Meeting
    Cllr Wright gave a brief update of the meeting. The clerk informed the meeting that she was informed that there would be a further meeting in the 2022. Clerk to chase. Action Clerk.
    e. Bus Shelter
    Cllr Wright informed the meeting that the bus shelter would be repaired as soon as the weather improves. An invoice would be sent to the clerk for the new felt for the roof. Cllr Shermer expressed her sincere thanks to Cllr Wright for arranging this.
    f. Narrow Lane
    The clerk informed the meeting that Cllr Shermer and herself would be meeting up with Richard Rayson (SCC) to discuss this issue further on 3rd March 2022 at 10 am. However, Cllr Shermer made it very clear that no decision would be made regarding this until a survey was carried out with the members of the village.
  6. Planning (Permitted & Refused are decisions by ESBC)
    a. P/2021/01660 – Cllr Shermer informed the meeting that this application had been refused by the ESBC.
    b. P/2021/00198 – Cllr Sankey had informed the meeting that the latest application for this was invalid. The applicants have been given a months’ notice to submit a valid application. Clerk to contact Naomi at ESBC for an update on this application to pass onto the Parish Council. Action Clerk
    c. SCC/21/0047/FULL-ES – Cllr Shermer informed the meeting that a zoom meeting was held with a number of councillors from neighbouring parishes along with the two Borough Councillor and the County Councillor Philip Atkins. This meeting was exceptionally useful and an objection has been
    Minutes of Denstone Parish Council Meeting 3rd February 2022
    submitted against this application. Cllr Sankey updated further by saying the decision will be based on which route the lorries will take. The suggested route will be the A52 therefore bypassing all the surrounding villages. The clerk will keep the councillors updated on the outcome. Action Clerk
    d. P/2022/00045 – It was agreed that Denstone Parish Council do not wish to object to this application. Action Clerk e. P/2019/01489 – Cllr Turner informed the meeting that she was awaiting further information regarding the application.
  7. Public Space Protection order review 2022/Sign
    It was agreed that the clerk would request that the public space protection order for the play area on the railway line be removed as there is no longer any need for it, due to the play area being removed. However, it was agreed that the public space protection order for keeping dogs on a lead from the gate to the bridge should remain. Action Clerk.
    Cllr Shermer asked if anyone recognised the sign that had been put on the gate regarding not parking in front of the gate. Cllr Edmonds informed the meeting that this was not a new sign, it had been there at the request of the Parish Council for approx. 4 years. It was unanimously agreed that the sign would be replaced by a new sign with the bottom line omitted. Action Cllr Shermer.
  8. Traffic on Alton Road
    Cllr Shermer informed the meeting that she had spoken with John Kavanagh and he informed her that JCB had received complaints regarding speeding traffic on Alton Road. It has been agreed that JCB, having consulted with the Constabulary, will set up a speed watch event on Alton Road, the date to be agreed
  9. SIDs
    It was unanimously agreed that 2 SIDs would help with the speeding traffic through Stubwood, Cllr Shermer informed the meeting that she had spoken to John Kavanagh with regards to providing some funding towards the cost of the installation of these SIDs. He confirmed that explanatory discussions are taking place with the appropriate personnel at JCB, they are aware of other Parish Councils who are seeking support funding for the installation of SIDs. It was agreed that he would keep Cllr Shermer up to date on the outcome of this.
  10. New Signs
    Cllrs Wright, Shermer and Mountney had a site meeting with Simon Cartledge from SCC regarding the new signs on Alton Road. At the meeting it was suggest that the new sign be erected adjacent to the existing sign location, but wholly inside the field in order to enable the hedgerow to be maintained. This option would require Alton Towers entering into an easement agreement with the County Council. The parish councillors agreed that this was a good idea. Clerk to contact Cllr Mountney to see if Alton Towers would agree to this. Action Clerk
  11. Denstone College
    Cllr Shermer informed the meeting that she had met with the Head of Denstone College. Details of the meeting had been sent to all councillors prior to the meeting. It was agreed that Denstone College would send the weekly news letter to the clerk. This would be passed onto the councillors, be put on the noticeboards and the website.
    Cllr Shermer informed the councillors that the next meeting with the college would be around easter time, she asked that any questions for the head should be passed to her before that meeting.
  12. Play area inspection
    Minutes of Denstone Parish Council Meeting 3rd February 2022
    Cllrs Shermer, Fountain and Wright agreed to meet at the play area and draw up an action plan of the work that needs doing. It will then be agreed what can be done by the councillors and what needs doing by a professional. Cllr Shermer to arrange a site visit.
  13. Hedges
    It was unanimously agreed that the Parish Council would employ Freemans to cut the hedge around the play area, and the war memorial. Cllr Turner volunteered to do two signs, one for the closure of the play area and one for information regarding the hedges as they would look exceptionally bare once done. The signs will be put on Denstone Matters Facebook page, the website as well as around the area concerned. Cllr Shermer to arrange a date for the cutting to take place. It was suggested that this was not a Tuesday. Action Cllr Turner and Clerk
  14. Broadband
    Cllr Sankey informed the meeting that he had submitted the proposal, and had been informed that Openreach are working on some final designs for the final offer. Cllr Turner to prepare an email for all interested parties. It was agreed that this would be sent to councillor Sankey first for confirmation. Action Cllr Turner
  15. Queen’s Platinum Jubilee
    Cllr Shermer informed the meeting that she had booked the Village Hall for the 10th February at 7pm. This meeting is for discussions to take place regarding what is happening in the village for the Queens Jubilee. Cllr Shermer said that the plans that were set up for V E Day are still available as these were never used. The suggested idea is a street party on the 5th June, Cllr Sankey agreed to sort out the road closure as long as he is given all the required information. Cllr Shermer agreed to email Cllr Sankey with the details. Cllr Fountain agreed to send a list of all the email addresses for the clubs around the village to Cllr Turner. Cllr Turner to produce a poster and send to all the addresses. Details of the meeting would also go on Denstone Matters Facebook page, the website and the noticeboards. The clerk asked Cllr Sankey if there was any funding available, he said that he would forward on an email regarding this. Action Cllrs Turner and Fountain
  16. Village Hall
    Cllr Shermer informed the meeting that the new sign had gone up at the Village Hall, all the internal decorating had been completed apart from the new doors. Quotes were being obtained for the toilets and the timber cladding.
    The Village Hall are asking for more people to join the 49 Club. The cost is £4.30 per week all information on how to join is on the village hall website. https://denstonevillagehall.weebly.com/
  17. Highway Issues
    a. Lady Meadow Lane – Clerk to chase Alan Harvey regarding footpath. Action Clerk
    b. Potholes & drainage issues in the village – nothing to report
    c. Footpaths and Pavements – It was raised that Harpur Meadow footpath was blocked Cllr Ratcliffe to report to JCB
  18. Finance/Payments – The payments were proposed by Cllr Ratcliffe and seconded by Cllr Fountain. The cheques were signed at the meeting and the clerk will distribute
    a. Webmaster pay for December 2021 and January 2022 = £50.00 [LGA 1972 s142 & 144]
    b. Clerk’s pay for December 2021and January 2022 (Made by Standing Order) = £397.80 [LGA 1972 s112]
    Minutes of Denstone Parish Council Meeting 3rd February 2022
    c. Clerk’s expenses – stamps – £15.99
    d. Eon Lighting December 2021 = £25.01 and npower Business Solutions = £38.62 [Parish Councils Act 1957 s3]
    e. J Etherington – Cleaning Village Hall Toilet December 2021= £40 paid and January 2022 = £40
    f. Russ Whitehurst – Length’s man December 2021 = £30.00 – paid January = £30.00
    g. Sue Edmonds – Flowers in the village – £66.00 paid
    h. Play area – Annual inspection – £114.00
    i. Village Hall Room Hire – £25.00
    items for Future Agenda
  19. Parking at All Saints School
  20. Bird scarer
  21. Footpath FP17
    At the end of the meeting Cllr Shermer made the following announcement.
    I wish to inform you, in advance that I will resign as Chair and as a Cllr of Denstone Parish Council in April 2022.
    I love living in Denstone and it has been a privilege to lead and to work as a member of the Parish Council team for the last 4 years.
    Together we have achieved so much and my thanks to you all for your commitment to our village.
    An “Elder” of Denstone village once said to me, several years ago, “Margaret you can live in a community, or you can be part of that community” Well, I’m so glad that I have played a worthy part in our community, and I hope to continue to do so in many and different ways in the future.
    Cllr Turner thanked Cllr Shermer for her outstanding work on the Parish Council and confirmed that she will be sad to see her go, and that she will be missed by all.
    Date of next meeting: The next Parish Council Meeting will be on Thursday 3rd March 2022 at 7pm in the Village Hall Denstone.
    Denstone Website – http://denstonevillage.uk
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