PC Minutes 4 June 2019

Denstone Village

PC Minutes 4th June 2019

 Attendees: Cllr M Shermer (Chair), Cllr E Edmonds, Cllr B Wright, Cllr J Turner, Cllr K Stratton and Borough Councillor S Sankey. Apologies Cllr L Beckett-Fountain, Cllr S Ratcliffe, Cllr C Kelly and Cllr J Mountney Cllr Shermer began by expressing sincere thanks on behalf of the Parish Council to Sue Edmonds for doing the Denstone Diary and all of those helped deliver the diary around the village. She also thanked Sue Edmonds for all her work on the World War II garden and again to all those that have helped with preparing the village for the Best Kept Village Competition. And finally, to all of those who have work tremendously hard on the Old Railway Line. 
 The minutes of the meeting held on the 13th May 2019. The minutes were signed and dated by Cllr Margaret Shermer, and the clerk. These were agreed by all as a true record of the meeting. 
 Declaration of interest None 
 Adjournment for public participation – It was requested that the signs regarding to keeping your dog on a lead and picking up after your dog are moved inside the gate of the Old Railway Line as it is thought that the signs are being missed. The Parish Council agreed to move the sign for picking up after your dog. However, it was agreed that the keeping your dog on a lead would stay until October when a decision would be made by the ESBC. The clerk was asked to look into what enforcement is available from the ESBC regarding picking up after your dog as this was becoming an increased problem in the village. Upon receipt of this information it is thought that a flyer may be produced to deliver to all the properties in the village. It was raised that the two alleyways from Alton Road through to Marlpit Lane and The Weavers are overgrown and need cutting. Cllr Wright agreed to contact Cavell. 
 Matters Arising/Clerks Report Correspondence Received – Cllr Shermer had received an email from Scope asking if a Scope Clothing Bank could be put on the Village Hall carpark. This was declined as the carpark has not got the space. So, it was suggested the old bus shelter in the village. The Councillors turned this down and suggested that the Village Hall look again at accommodating the Clothing Bank. Cllr Shermer said that she would take this back to the Village Hall. The Clerk informed the meeting that she had received £200 from Carol Davies on behalf of Rose Edge. It was agreed that the Councillors would take time to think about this and discuss it at the next meeting. The clerk informed the meeting that the funding available from Borough Councillors had changed it was now based on a first come first serve basis. Cllr Shermer suggested that this would be discussed at the next Teen Recreation meeting on the 11 June 2019. Financial Regulations – The clerk sent out a revised copy of the Financial Regulations as agreed at the last meeting. It was a unanimous decision to adopt the new regulations and put a copy on the website.  Complete and sign off the Annual Governance Statement – This was discussed and agreed and signed off as correct.Sign off the Accounting Statement – This was discussed and agreed and signed off as correct.      Cllr Shermer                     Clerk   Clerk   Clerk
6.  Planning Applications (Permitted & Refused are decisions by ESBC below P/2019/00530 – Reserved Matters application relating to P/2017/00571 for the erection of five dwellings including details of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale – Land adjacent to Ford Croft House, Upper Croft, Oak Road, Denstone, ST14 5HT – It was agreed by all that the clerk would send in an objection on behalf of the Parish Council. This would be based on the two four-bedroom properties as these are not in line with the Neighbourhood plan (Please find attached a copy of the minutes from a recent meeting of the Neighbourhood Team) Also the shed would be looked into for Owls and Bats. P/2019/00570 – Reserved Matters application for the erection of two dwellings including details of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale, land rear of Alvaston, College Road, Denstone, ST14 5HR – This was withdrawn.P/2019/00532 – Reserved Matters application for the erection of a detached dwelling including details of appearance, layout, landscaping and scale Cherry Tree Cottage, Hollington Road, Rocester, ST14 5HY- No Objection   
  7.BKV – Cllr Shermer informed the meeting that there was nothing further to add only that the village looks absolutely fabulous. 
  8.Teen Play Area Survey – The next meeting of the sub-committee is 11 June 2019 at 7pm at Cllr Shermer’s house. Cllr Shermer raised the issue with regards to a couple of issues on the Old Railway Line that require our attention. How and what to use to kill off the ivy roots and re-point the stonework. The platform walls are also beginning to deteriorate to the point where the stonework is falling out of position, and could end up as an un-safe environment for the general public. The clerk informed the meeting that she had already contacted the Ranger with regards to this. It was also agreed to change the code on the Old Railway Line and extend the list of names who hold the code. These were to include Cllr Wright, Cllr Shermer and the clerk. It was agreed to remove the Tavern.  Cllr Wright also to check that Malcolm Adams has the code. Clerk to update the list.    Clerk         Clerk
         9.Grit Bins– It was unanimously agreed to purchase the black grit bin with the yellow top for the School. Clerk to make the purchase and contact the school.Clerk
10.Social Media – There was nothing further to add to this. 
11.Country Show Representative – Clerk to contact Cllr Beckett-Fountain to find out the date of the next meeting for the Country Show and then inform all Councillors.  Clerk
12.Denstone Meadow Cllr Edmonds informed the meeting that a lot of planning has been done over the last 12 months. Later this year work will be done to reprofile the bank from the bridge, this will not be a drop but a gentle slope and will help next winter when the water comes through the bridge. Soil samples have been taken to establish the best spread of wild flowers to plant. The large trees are also being looked at and we are looking to obtain a grant to have the necessary work done. Once that is complete the next job is to look at seating and pathways. An official opening will hopefully take place in spring/summer 2020. Cllr Edmonds Bushnell camera was stolen from the site. If anyone is offered one cheap then please contact the clerk. 
13Post Office – The clerk informed the meeting that she had still been unable to get hold of the Post Office however she had now found an email address to contact them.Clerk
14.Village Hall Committee Member – Cllr Shermer informed the meeting that the Village Hall has now got its hanging baskets at the front of the hall and the clock is also being replaced. Denstone Players are donating £1000 towards the Village Hall sign and the Teen Recreational Area. If anyone would like to join the 49 Club then please contact Nancy Turner on 01889 590385 for more information. 
15.Highways Issues – Traffic Issues & Stubwood sub-committee –Cllr Shermer informed the meeting that she had not heard anything further from John Kavanagh after the meeting at JCB to discuss funding on the 14th May 2019. Cllr Sherner hopes to have some news by the next meeting on the 2nd July. The Parish Councillors were asked to minute and advise all parents to safeguard their children to ensure that they do not use the Lady Meadow Bridge on foot or on a bicycle as this is extremely dangerous due to the volume and speed of traffic using the bridge. It was agreed that the above statement would also be sent to the head teacher at Rycroft to send out to all parents. Potholes and drainage issues in the village – Cllr Turner informed the meeting that there was a pothole on College Road close to Glen Ruther. Clerk to report to highways.      Cllr Shermer   Clerk     Clerk
16.Finance/Payments – To approve the following payments: Proposed by Cllr Edmonds and seconded by Cllr Stratton Webmaster pay for May 2019= £25.00 [LGA 1972 s142 & 144] Clerk’s pay for May 2019 (Made by Standing Order) = £340.17 [LGA 1972 s112]Clerks Back Pay until Standing Order increased – £39.11 [LGA 1972 s112]Clerk’s expenses for May 2019 = £61.20 (LGA 1972 s111)Eon Lighting June 2019 = £21.77 [Parish Councils Act 1957 s3J Etherington – Cleaning Village Hall Toilets May 2019= £50.00Defibrillator Batteries and Pads – AEDdonate= £82.48Janice Jackson – Internal Auditor = £75Lavin Printers Ltd (Denstone Diary) = £560.00Cavell Portman – Lengthsman – £61.00BB Trees – Denstone Meadow =£180.00Replacement cheque 102184 A CroneReplacement Cheque 102185 J Sadler £12.00Replacement Cheque 102176 J Sadler £52.48Replacement Cheque 102175 J Sadler £39.11 
 Items for future Agenda None   
 Dates of next meeting, 2nd July and 10th September 2019 
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