Point | | Action |
| Election of the Chair – It was unanimously agreed that Margaret Shermer would take on the position of Chair with immediate effect. Margaret agreed with this. | |
| Attendees: Cllr M Shermer (in chair), Cllr S Ratcliffe, Cllr K Stratton, Cllr J Turner, Cllr E Edmonds, Cllr J MountneyandCllr P Robotham, Cllr P Frampton and Borough Councillor C Smith Apologies Cllr B Wright | |
| The minutes of the meeting of the 3 July 2018 were discussed and agreed by all as correct. The minutes were signed by Cllr Margaret Shermer | |
| Declaration of interest received from Cllr Ratcliffe item 11(a) | |
| Denstone Voluntary Car Scheme – Roy Smith came to speak to the Parish Council with regards to reintroducing the scheme to the village which was original run very successfully by Dennis Parker. Roy hopes to get around the village in the next few weeks to try and establish who needs the help and also find people who would like to volunteer to drive the vehicles. Roy informed the meeting that he hoped to get the service up and running by the end of September. The Parish Council were happy to give their full support to the project. Cllr Shermer said that she would be more than happy to sign up as a driver. | |
| WW1 Commemorations – Sue Edmonds informed the meeting that the village were going to decorate the War Memorial with Flags and large poppies on lamp posts around the village. With regards to the end of the day they thought it would be nice to have a poem in the Village Hall around 5.30, then to light candles around the War Memorial and possibly playing the last post. Then people could go onto the weavers if they wished. The Parish Council thought this was an excellent idea. Cllr Edmonds is to help in the planning of this on behalf of the Parish Council. | Cllr Edmonds |
| Councillor Vacancy – The Clerk informed the meeting that she had received written resignation from Peter Robotham. Cllr Shermer expressed her thanks on behalf of the Parish Council to Cllr Robotham for all his hard work done in the village especially with the play area. Clerk to inform the ESBC, advertise the vacancy and also let Peter Read and Lee Blant know that there is a vacancy again. | Clerk |
| Election of Vice Chair – It was agreed that Cllr Philip Frampton would take on the position of Vice Chair | |
| Adjournment for public participation Denstone Country Show – David Boden came to thank all the councillors who are helping at the Country Show on the 15th September. He expressed if anyone had any questions then they should contact Laurie. Cllr Shermer expressed her best wishes to all who were taking part in the show. Pot holes – The Parishioners raised that the pot holes on College Road had still not been sorted – Clerk to chase again. Old Oak Road – Cllr Ratcliffe to talk to JCB with regards to looking at this issue | Clerk Cllr Ratcliffe |
| Matters Arising/Clerk’s report Correspondence Received – Nothing to discuss.Repair to Play Area Old Railway Line – This was discussed and it was unanimously agreed that before any further monies were spent on the play area the Parish Council should asses its usage. Cllr Frampton would set up an electronic survey and pass to all for comments. Then this would be used to survey the children and parents at Rycroft. Clerk to contact Jacquie Payne who was the last chair of the Youth Fund and inform her out of courtesy the intensions of the Parish Council.Standing Orders – The clerk informed the meeting that she had updated the current standing orders in line with the recent changes. This mainly incorporates the changes in the Data Protection rules. Weaver Message – The Clerk informed the Meeting that the Weaver Message Magazine was coming to an end. However, any items can now be sent to Caroline Coates email address “cstmichaels12@gmail.com” for publication in the Rocester group parish magazine.Light replacement – The clerk informed the meeting that two lights in the village will need replacing by the end of 2019. It was unanimously agreed for this to be done as there was money put aside in the budget for this. Accounts – 1st Quarter – The clerk asked for a volunteer to take over the role of checking the accounts with Cllr Ratcliffe. Cllr Frampton volunteered for this role. Clerk to send spread sheet to both Cllrs. Domain Name renewal – Clerk informed the meeting that she had received a request from Carolyn with regards to the Domain Name renewal. It was unanimously agreed to go ahead with the renewal. Declaration of interests Form – Clerk asked all councillors to send completed declaration forms. Clerk to check who has completed the forms already. | Cllr Frampton Clerk Clerk Cllr Frampton Cllr Ratcliffe Clerk Clerk |
| Planning (Permitted & Refused are decisions by ESBC) P/2018/00232 Erection of single storey extension and associated glass link to existing Golf Academy building to form Golf Clubhouse (REVISED INFORMATION RECEIVED) – No ObjectionsP/2018/01020 – Formation of a manege including fence and gates – Lower Riddings Farm, College Road, Denstone, ST14 5HW – No ObjectionsP/2018/01067 – Erection of a single storey front extension – 15 The Weavers, Denstone, Staffordshire, ST14 5DP – No Objections | |
| End of the War Celebrations – The clerk informed the meeting that she had now received the invoice for the beacon which is £144.00. | |
| Dog Poo Bins – The large black bin had not been emptied again this week. Cllr Frampton to ask Sue Ratcliffe to move the bin across the road to sit with the other bins. Hopefully this will solve the problem. | Cllr Frampton |
| BKV – Cllr Shermer informed the meeting that Denstone had been Highly Commended this year in the Best Kept Village Competition. However, Cllrs Shermer and Mountney suggested for next year a Best Kept Village Committee. Cllr Frampton suggested getting the children from the school involved possibly giving them a patch of their own. Discuss further later on in the year. Cllr Shermer expressed sincere thanks on behalf of the Parish Council to Pauline and Jon Jilbert for all their hard work, also to the individuals in the village who litter pick on a regular basis. | |
| Lengthsman – Cllr Edmonds to talk to John Jilbert to see if he has an old job description from when he was the Lengthsman and if he would be interested in mentoring Dan. Also changing the title to Village Groundsman was agreed. | Cllr Edmonds |
| The Graveyard – Clerk to chase a reply from the church and also invite the vicar to the next meeting | Clerk |
| Progress of Purchasing Land by the Churnet – Cllr Edmonds informed the meeting that there had been a meeting of all who contributed to the purchasing of the land. Cllr Edmonds had also met with a member of the Wildlife Trust. Cllr Frampton suggested meeting with a member of the RSPB also. | |
| Proposed 20 mph speed limit – Clerk to chase a reply from Richard Rayson, also send all details of this and other items sent to Highways to Cllr Smith to chase. | Clerk |
| Village Hall committee member – Cllr Shermer to make the Village Hall aware of the hedge at the side of the carpark at the next Village Hall meeting. | Cllr Shermer |
| Highway Issues Traffic issues & Stubwood sub-committee – Nothing further to addPotholes & drainage issues in the village – nothing further to add.Footpaths – There is still no crossing at the footpath to Rycroft School. Clerk to include in email to Cllr Smith. | Clerk |
| Finance/Payments – To approve the following payments: – The payments were proposed by Cllr Edmonds seconded by Cllr Stratton. Webmaster pay for July & August 2018 = £50.00 [LGA 1972 s142 & 144Clerk’s pay for July & August (Made by Standing Order) = £340.17 [LGA 1972 s112]Clerks back pay for August = £15.70 LGA 1972 s112]Clerk’s expenses for July & August 2018 = £25.00 (LGA 1972 s111)Eon Lighting July & August 2018 = £37.01 [Parish Councils Act 1957 s3]J Etherington – Cleaning Village Hall Toilets July & August £50 & £44.00 = £94.00Hags – Play area on Old Railway = £294.00Playsafety Limited – Teen Play Area =£79.80Staffordshire Parish Council Association Training = £45.00Key Safe Old Railway Line = £14.99AEDdonate = Defibrillator Pads =£82.48 (paid)Wootton Parish Council – Gas-Fuelled Beacon to commemorate the end of World War 1 = £144Denstone Village Hall – Hire of the Village Hall – £30.00Peter Robotham – Tape for Play area = £5.27 | |
| Items for Future Agenda Communication – Meet your Parish Councillor Social Media New Cllrs to sign cheques Dates of next meetings: 2nd October, 6th November and 4th December 2018 | |