PC Minutes 5 February 2019

Denstone Village

PC Minutes 5th February 2019

Point Action
 Attendees: Cllr M Shermer (in chair), Cllr S Ratcliffe, Cllr J Turner, Cllr C Kelly, Cllr J Mountney and Cllr B Wright. Apologies Cllr K Stratton, Cllr P Frampton, Cllr Edmonds and Borough Councillor C Smith 
 The minutes of the meeting held on the 8th January 2019 were discussed and agreed by all as correct. The minutes were signed and dated by Cllr Margaret Shermer. 
 Declaration of interest None 
 PCSO Sean Elliott – CllrShermer welcomed Sean Elliott to the meeting. The PCSO gave a brief talk to the meeting regarding his background and the area he covered. He informed the meeting that he worked opposite shifts to PC Radford and they were both based at Rocester. He was part of a team of 30 (on rotation) response officers. He said that he would try and come to meetings if there was something that we need to discuss with him. He said that he had spoken to Denstone College recently regarding the traffic situation. Cllr Shermer thanked PCSO Elliott for his time. 
 Adjournment for public participation  Grit Bin for outside the school on Oak Road – the clerk informed the meeting that the SCC were contacted in 2016 with regards to putting in a grit bin outside the school. SCC came out and did a survey, however the bin was turned down on that instance. It was therefore agreed that we would approach JCB and ask them if they would like to purchase the bin for the village. Cllr Ratcliffe to take this up with JCB on behalf of the Parish Council. Clerk to contact the secretary of the school to see if they can raise any funds just in case JCB say no. If the school cannot fund the bin the Parish Council will.      Cllr Ratcliffe   Clerk
 Matters Arising/Clerks Report Correspondence Received – Noted Stubwood Hollow – The clerk informed the meeting that she had not heard any response from Richard Rayson. She would chase him further on this. Lady Meadow Bridge – The clerk informed the meeting that this had now been sorted. Filing Cabinets for the clerk – The clerk informed the Parish Council that she had purchased 3 filing cabinets for her paperwork for Denstone. She asked would it be possible for the cost of these to be reclaimed from the Parish Council? These would then become the property of the Parish Council. It was unanimously agreed by all councillors. Clerk to add these to the insurance document. Quiz on 1st May – Due to the number of projects that the council have currently undertaken, it was agreed to park this at the moment and look at it again next year.      Clerk     Clerk      
7.  Planning Applications (Permitted & Refused are decisions by ESBC) P/2019/00025 – Erection of two storey and single storey front, side and rear extensions and formation of new gable to front elevation – The Hive, Alton Road, Denstone, ST14 5DH – there were several members of the village present at the meeting to discuss this application. After discussion it was unanimously agreed by the Parish Council that the clerk would submit an objection to the planning application on the grounds of the extension was too large for the plot, too intrusive for the neighbouring properties. This large extension would remove the light and privacy for neighbouring properties.P/2019/00014 – Erection of a part first floor and part two storey rear extension – Newholme, Stubwood Lane, Denstone, ST14 5HU – No ObjectionClerk
  8.Teen Play Area Survey – Cllr Shermer began by updating the meeting on what has happened since the last meeting. Cllr Shermer and Cllr Wright met up with Steve Williams and Ruth Edwards to discuss the change of use of the play area and what the possibilities are. They were informed that a change of use would not be required but there is a possibility that the Parish Council may need to put in a planning application. Cllr Shermer passed the clerk the old file of the Teen Play Area. She said that she had read the file and couldn’t believe the amount of work that had gone into getting it up and running. The time and effort that had been spend on it and the hurdles that they had to overcome. It’s a shame that we are looking at taking it out. However, the play area is not used anymore and is only going to continue to cost the Parish Council money to maintain it.   It was unanimously agreed by the Parish Council that the sub-committee could put plans in place to remove the old play area, look at reusing the wood elsewhere in the village, and look at possible funding for an All Age Exercise Area. Clerk to contact the insurance company with regards to the impact this change would have on the policy. They would also need to discuss ways to involve the public in this decision.                 
 9.Sand Bags – Cllr Shermer informed the meeting thatthere are 15 sandbags at the back of the Village Hall and Cllr Edmondshas a further 18 bags.   
      10.Litter Pick – The WI have requested that the Parish Council provide them with some litter picker sticks for their litter pick on the 23rd March 2019. Cllr Mountneysaid thatshe would see if there were any spare litter picks at Alton Towers if so, the Parish Council could have them. Cllr Mountney also asked could a thank you letter be sent to Brian Hollingshead who picks up litter in the village weekly.Cllr Mountney   Clerk
      11.BKV – Councillor Shermer informed the meeting that she had spoken to Mr Plant and he had agreed for the Parish Council to take over of the planting near the shop. He also agreed to donate £50 towards this. Clerk to write to Mr Plant regarding this, During the BKV meeting jobs were allocated to all members and the next meeting was arranged for the 20th March.       Clerk
      12.Denstone Diary – Cllr Shermer informed the meeting that Cllr Edmonds had asked for suggestions for a new sponsor for the Denstone Diary. It was suggested that he contact the Tavern or the Farm Shop. Clerk to pass on details to Cllr Edmonds.     Clerk
      13.Neighbourhood Monitoring Report – Cllr Shermer informed the meeting that she met with Jacquie Payne, Cavell Portman, Cllr Edmonds on the 29.1.19. It was agreed that there was no legal requirement to review or update the Neighbourhood Plan. A copy of the minutes of the meeting will be available shortly.  Cllr Shermer
14.Social Media – Cllr Mountney informed the meeting that she had now added all the meeting dates onto the Facebook page. She would also put the new times of the Mobile Post Office on the Facebook page and a link to the details. The new times are Monday 1pm to 2pm. Clerk to have this put onto the website. Also details of the next Country Show Meeting on the 8.2.2019 are now on the Facebook Page.Cllr Mountney   Clerk
15.Proposed 20mph speed limit – The clerk informed the meeting that she had still not heard from Richard Rayson regarding this and would therefore contact him again.Clerk
16.Tom Boden Memorial Sports Trust Representative – Cllr Ratcliffe informed the meeting of the outcome of the TBMST meeting on the 17.1.19. The main project of the TBMST is to replace the Pavilion and that £22,000 had been spent around the village in the last 15 years. If the Parish Council wanted to put in a request for funding this would not be looked at until January 2020. Laurie raised the issue regarding the Parish Council using the bin for garden waste. It was unanimously agreed that the Parish Council would contribute £45 towards the cost. Laurie to forward an invoice to the clerk,Cllr Ratcliffe
17.Country Show Representative – Cllr Shermer informed the meeting that the next meeting of the Country Show is on the 8 February. 
18.Village Hall Committee Member – Cllr Shermer advised the meeting that it was agreed by the Village Hall Committee that the lights would be switched on 17.11.19 and there would be no fireworks at the event. 
19.Highways Issues – Traffic Issues & Stubwood sub-committee – Nothing to add.Potholes and drainage issues in the village – Nothing to addFootpaths – Clerk still waiting to hear from Cllr Atkins and SCC. Clerk to continue to chase.      Clerk
20.Finance/Payments – To approve the following payments: Proposed by Cllr Wright and seconded by Cllr Ratcliffe. Webmaster pay for December 2018 = £25.00 LGA 1972 s142 & 144] Clerk’s pay for December 2018 (Made by Standing Order) = £340.17 [LGA 1972 s112] Clerks back pay for December 2018 = £15.70 LGA 1972 s112] Clerk’s expenses for December 2018 = £21.00 (LGA 1972 s111) Eon Lighting December 2018 = £17.63 [Parish Councils Act 1957 s3] J Etherington – Cleaning Village Hall Toilets December 2018 = £50.00 Edward Edmonds – Hedges Direct Hedging for Denstone Meadow = £63.51 Marmax Recycled Products – Benches for Denstone Meadow = £843.12  
21.Clerks Salary – It was unanimously agreed to increase the clerk’s salary to level 23. Clerk to prepare the changes on the standing order for signature at the next meeting. 
 Items for future Agenda None   
 Dates of next meeting 5th March, 2 April and Annual Meeting 22nd April 
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