Point | | Action |
| Attendees: Cllr M Shermer (in chair), Cllr S Ratcliffe, Cllr C Kelly, Cllr B Wright, Cllr P Frampton and Cllr Edmonds. Apologies Cllr K Stratton, Cllr J Turner, Cllr J Mountney and Borough Councillor C Smith | |
| The minutes of the meeting held on the 5th February 2019 were discussed and agreed by all as correct. The minutes were signed and dated by Cllr Margaret Shermer. | |
| Declaration of interest None | |
| Adjournment for public participation – A member of the public brought a copy of the new magazine (Parish Press) for the Parish Clerk. It was agreed that the clerk would put an article in the Parish Press after every meeting.It was agreed that the payment of £45 to the Tom Boden Memorial Sports Trust as discussed in item 16 on last months minutes would be paid as a donation and would be readdressed every year. The Junior Play area fence is broken. Cllr Ratcliffe suggested that the Parish Council contact Robert Critchley. Cllr Shermer to contact him. It was agreed by the Parish Council that a maximum of £300 could be spent without coming back to the council anything more would have to be brought back to the next Parish meeting. | Cllr Shermer |
| Matters Arising/Clerks Report Correspondence Received – Noted Stubwood Hollow – The clerk read out an email from Richard Rayson regarding Stubwood Hollow. It was agreed that the clerk would contact Richard Rayson and ask him to attend a meeting to discuss this further. Date of Annual Meeting – It was agreed that the Annual Meeting would be held on the 13th May 2019. Clerk to contact John Etherington to book the hall. Mobile Post Office – The Mobile Post Office is still not attending the village as agreed. The clerk is to contact the Post Office again. Elections – Clerk informed the meeting that there is an Election on the 2 May 2019. The nomination packs will be sent out to the clerk on the 15th March 2019. Cllr Edmonds agreed to collect them from the Clerk and deliver them to the councillors in the village. | Clerk Clerk Clerk Cllr Edmonds |
6. | Planning Applications (Permitted & Refused are decisions by ESBC) P/2019/00025 (Revised) – Erection of two storey and single storey front, side and rear extensions and formation of new gable to front elevation – The Hive, Alton Road, Denstone, ST14 5DH – The Councillors agreed that their objection still stands as the application has not changed enough.P/2019/00202 – Proposed extension to existing front and rear dormers and erection of a single storey side extension to form porch. 4 Marlpit Lane, Denstone, ST14 5HH – No Objection | Clerk |
7. | Teen Play Area Survey – Cllr Shermer informed the meeting that she had now heard from Mike Hovers from the ESBC, and he has confirmed that the fence around the play area will not be needed if the Parish Council change it to an AAEA. Cllr Shermer went onto to inform the meeting that she had organised a working party along with Malcolm Adams to take down the Teen Play area on the 8 March 2019. However not all the councillors were in favour of taking the play area down before the replacement is agreed and the funding obtained. It was therefore agreed that play area would not be removed until funding has been obtained and consultation has been carried out with the parishioners. The sub-committee will focus on both these issues and report back at the next meeting. | Cllr Shermer |
8. | Grit Bins update – Cllr Ratcliffe informed the meeting thatJCB had put a hold on funding at the moment, however he said that he would follow it up next month and report back at the next meeting. The clerk informed the meeting that she had spoken to the school secretary but would hold off doing anything elseuntil we heard from JCB. | Cllr Ratcliffe |
9. | Litter Pick – Cllr Shermer informed the meeting that Alton Towers had donated to the Parish Council 15 litter picks for use as they see fit in the village. The WI will be using these for their litter pick on the 23rd March 2019 commencing at 10am outside the Village Hall Everyone is welcome to join in. | |
10. | BKV – Councillor Shermer informed the meeting that she had an assembly with the children at All Saints school to talk about the posters for the competition and the next BKV meeting is on the 20th March. | |
11. | Denstone Diary – Cllr Edmonds informed the meeting that JCB had agreed to sponsor the Denstone Diary this year. | |
12. | Neighbourhood Monitoring Report – Cllr Shermer informed the meeting that the monitoring group have agreed to make themselves available to review, in support of the Parish Council, any future planning applications and offer their findings to the Parish Council for decision. They also agreed to meet bi monthly and remain vigilant and ready to act urgently in rapid response to any planning application that is deemed to be in opposition to the policies and appendices of the Neighbourhood plan. They would then advise the Parish Council accordingly so that it may take swift and appropriate action should this be required | |
13. | Social Media – It was agreed to move this item to the next meeting in Cllrs Mountney’s absence. | |
14. | Proposed 20mph speed limit – The clerk informed the meeting that she had still not heard from Richard Rayson regarding this and would therefore contact him again. | Clerk |
15. | Tom Boden Memorial Sports Trust Representative – Cllr Ratcliffe had nothing to add and it was agreed to remove this item from future agendas and the Trust only met once a year. | |
16. | Country Show Representative – Cllr Frampton informed the meeting that during the meeting on the 8th February it was agreed that the Tom Boden Memorial Sports Trust would cover the show and therefore keep all of the takings. This however, would then be available for projects in the village. The funds will have to be requested from the Trust.in the usual way, Cllr Frampton agreed to inform the clerk of the date of the next Country Show meeting. Cllr Edmonds also asked if anyone had any pictures of tractors being used at last year’s show if so could they please contact the clerk at js.denstonepc@gmail.com | |
17. | Village Hall Committee Member – Nothing to report, | |
18. | Highways Issues – Traffic Issues & Stubwood sub-committee – please see item 5b.Potholes and drainage issues in the village – Nothing to addFootpaths – Clerk had heard from Richard Rayson however, it was agreed to discuss this with him further at the meeting. | |
19. | Finance/Payments – To approve the following payments: Proposed by Cllr Edmonds and seconded by Cllr Ratcliffe. Webmaster pay for February 2019 = £25.00 LGA 1972 s142 & 144] Clerk’s pay for February 2019 (Made by Standing Order) = £340.17 [LGA 1972 s112] Clerks back pay for February 2019 = £15.70 LGA 1972 s112] Clerk’s expenses for February 2019 = £36.28 (LGA 1972 s111) Eon Lighting February 2019 = £19.73 [Parish Councils Act 1957 s3] J Etherington – Cleaning Village Hall Toilets February 2019 = £40.00 Best Kept Village Fee = £27.88 Tom Boden Memorial Sports Trust Licence £50.00 C Portman Lengthsman February 2019 = £25.00 P Robotham = £9.99 Staffordshire County Council – Cutting of Trees on the Railway Line = £1500.00 SPCA annual subscription = £290.00 | |
| Items for future Agenda Parking issues for the schoolStarting time of meeting | |
| Dates of next meeting 2 April, Annual Meeting and Parish Meeting 13th May, 4th June 2019 | |