PC Minutes 6 November 2018

Denstone Village

PC Minutes 6th November 2018

Point Action
 Attendees: Cllr M Shermer (in chair), Cllr S Ratcliffe, Cllr K Stratton, Cllr J Mountney, Cllr E Edmonds, Cllr P Frampton and Cllr B Wright. Apologies Cllr J Turner and Borough Councillor C Smith 
 The minutes of the meeting held on the 2nd October 2018 were discussed and agreed by all as correct. The minutes were signed and dated by Cllr Margaret Shermer. 
 Declaration of interest Cllr S Ratcliffe item 7a. 
 Councillor Vacancy – The Council had received 4 applications for the vacancy of Parish Councillor. They were Peter Reid, Mark Evans, Laurie Beckett-Fountain and Christine Kelly. Those who were present at the meeting introduced themselves to the meeting. The prospective candidates were then asked to leave the meeting whilst a decision was made. A vote was taken and the majority vote went to Christine Kelly who was then asked to join the meeting. Cllr Shermer thanked all the candidates for their interest. 
 Adjournment for public participation  Denstone College Traffic – The meeting was informed that the Denstone College Traffic was causing problems in the village through speeding. It was agreed that the clerk would write to the Transport Manager Mr Kevin McCammon, informing him of the issues raised and inviting him to the next meeting. Clerk also to contact the Police Community Officer and invite them to the next meeting in connection with this issue. Stubwood Hollow – It was raised that the island at the bottom of Stubwood Hollow is still causing major problems in the village. It was agreed that the clerk would contact Richard Rayson and ask him what the situation is with regards to this now that the path to Rycroft has been completed. Lady Meadow Bridge – It was reported that the fence has now been repaired, however there is a problem with the opposite side of the bridge. Clerk to go back to the SCC with regards to this.    Clerk       Clerk       Clerk
6.  Matters Arising/Clerks Report Correspondence Received – It was agreed that there was nothing on the bulletins apart from the Staffordshire Day that is being covered in item 6F. Accounts – 1st Quarter sign off – Due to a couple of issues being raised this has been moved to the next meeting. Signatures for Parish Council Cheques – Cllr Shermer brought the paperwork that was signed off by Cllr Edmonds and Cllr Stratton. Precept 2019/20 – It was agreed that all the councillors would look at the budget document sent out by the clerk. Any suggestions of changes would then be sent to the clerk and the clerk would make the necessary changes to the document so this could be discussed and a decision made at the meeting on the 4th December. January Meeting 2019 – It was agreed that the January meeting would be held on the 8th of January 2019. Staffordshire Day 1st May 2019 – It was agreed that a quiz would be organised for the 1st May 2019 the following councillors agreed to get involved with the organisation of the event. Cllrs Kelly, Edmonds, Stratton and Mountney. It was decided to pick this up in the new year. Clerk to put it back on the agenda in January.                            Clerk
7 .Planning P/2018/00846 JCB Golf and Country Club, Hollington Road, Rocester, ST14 5HY – No ObjectionsP/2017/00804 Appeal – Erection of joinery workshop and associated works and formation of access – No objections 
8.End of War Celebrations – Cllr Edmonds briefly went through the programme for what was happening in the village on Sunday 11th November. The clerk informed the meeting that she had brought tickets with her for the WW1 Commemorations on the Weavers and the lighting of the beacon should anyone wish to purchase any. The clerk informed the councillors that there was a possibility that we could receive some funding for the beacon, if this is the case can the money that has already been paid for the beacon be put towards the money raised for the Royal British Legion. The councillors agreed with this. They also agreed that a donation could be made for 2 of them attending the World Jamboree next year.           
      9.Country Show – Cllr Ratcliffe gave an update on the Country Show, he informed the meeting that the show raised £2285.47, this money will be spent on the village. With regards to next years show it was agreed that it should be a community show. To make all the decisions about the show a committee should be formed, however it is necessary that the show is covered by an organisation who can cover the insurance. It was agreed that Cllr Frampton and Laurie Beckett-Fountain would invite all local organisations to a meeting on Friday 30th November in the Village Hall at 7.30.  Cllr Frampton
      10.Tom Boden Sports Trust Representative – Cllr Ratcliffe agreed to be the Parish Council Representative. 
      11.Teen Play Area Survey – Cllr Shermer thanked Cllr Frampton for organising the survey for the play area. It was agreed to move this for discussion to next months meeting as the results of the survey had only been given today and the other Councillors hadn’t had chance to digest the information. It was also suggested that there could be a working party in the early spring to do some work on the area. In the meantime, Cllr Frampton would contact Playdale and invite them to give the Parish Council a quote for the area.  Cllr Frampton
      12.Councillors Christmas Drinks – It was suggested that there would be Christmas drinks with the councillors in the Tavern after the meeting on the 4th December everyone is welcome.  All
13.Dog Poo Bins – The clerk informed the meeting that the large grey bin was finally being emptied by the council. It was also agreed that one of the small bins at the play area would be moved so that two bins are together. Cllr Edmunds and Cllr Frampton agreed to work together on this. Clerk to reply to the email received from a member of the village regarding this issue.Cllr Frampton Cllr Edmonds Clerk
14.BKV – The first meeting for the Best Kept Village Committee is to be held on the 14th November. Update of this meeting on the 4th December. 
15.Social Media – Cllr Mountney agreed to look at the face book page of the Voice. Clerk to contact Carolyn Hinton and ask that she put Cllr Mountney on the account as an administrator. Clerk to pass Cllr Mountney’s email address onto Carolyn Hinton so that they can take up conversation with regards to this.Clerk
16.Groundsman – It was agreed that Cllr Frampton would send some additional wording to Cllr Shermer to add into the lengthsman’s contract and also a Method Statement with regards to Health and Safety.Cllr Frampton
17.The Graveyard – The clerk informed the meeting that she had heard from Elizabeth Jones and she will attend the meeting on the 4th December 2018 
18.Denstone Meadow – Cllr Edmonds updated the meeting. 
19.Proposed 20mph speed limit – The clerk informed the meeting that she had heard from Richard Rayson who said that he was waiting to hear from the Parish Council. Cllr Edmonds informed the meeting that according to his recollection Richard Rayson was going to send plans. Clerk to go back to Richard Rayson regarding this.Clerk
20.Village Hall Committee Member – Nothing to update. 
21.Highways Issues – Traffic Issues & Stubwood sub-committee – See items 5B and C.Potholes and drainage issues in the village – Nothing further to add.Footpaths – Nothing further to add.   
22.Finance/Payments All payments were proposed by Cllr Ratcliffe and Seconded by Cllr Wright. Webmaster pay for October 2018 £25.00 = £25.00 [LGA 1972 s142 & 144] Clerk’s pay for October (Made by Standing Order) = £340.17 [LGA 1972 s112]Clerks back pay for October 2018 = £15.70 LGA 1972 s112]Clerk’s expenses for October 2018 = £15.00 (LGA 1972 s111)Eon Lighting October 2018 = £17.63 [Parish Councils Act 1957 s3]J Etherington – Cleaning Village Hall Toilets October 2018 = £53.60British Legion Poppy Appeal – Remembrance Wreath = £40.00Highway Lighting Maintenance = £94.86Jacquie Payne – Denstone Meadow = £14.95W Burton & Sons Ltd – Denstone Meadow =184.80 
 Items for future Agenda  Nothing 
 Dates of next meeting 4 December 2018 and 8th January 2019 
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