Minutes of Denstone Parish Council Meeting 7th October 2021
Attendees: Cllr M Shermer (Chair), Cllr S Ratcliffe, Cllr J Turner, Cllr K Stratton, Cllr C Kelly, Cllr L Beckett-Fountain and Julie Sadler (Clerk). Apologies: Cllr B Wright, Cllr J Mountney, Cllr E Edmonds and Borough Councillor S Sankey
The Minutes of the Meeting held on the 2nd September 2021 – The minutes were agreed by all as a true record of the meeting and were signed and dated by the Chair.
Declaration of interest – None
Adjournment for public participation – It was suggested by a member of the parish that the website details be put on the agenda and the minutes. This was agreed by the Parish Council. Action Clerk
Matters Arising/Clerk’s report a. Correspondence Received – The clerk informed the meeting that there was no correspondence to be recorded. b. Overgrown Footpath – The clerk informed the meeting that JCB had cut all the hedges and the weeds. Cllr Ratcliffe confirmed that hopefully JCB would go back and remove any remaining weeds from the footpath, he agreed to follow this up. Action Cllr Ratcliffe c. Lease for Old Railway line – The clerk informed the meeting that she had informed Peter Townley of the Parish Council’s decision to carry on with the lease. He confirmed that he would put the wheels in motion to move this forward. Action clerk to chase. d. Alton Towers Traffic – Cllr Shermer informed the meeting that work was going on to help with the issue of the traffic. However, it was agreed that a meeting was still required with Alton Towers and neighbouring villages. Clerk to chase Cllr Mountney for some dates. Action Clerk e. Website – The clerk informed the meeting that she had been asked by Carolyn Hinton, who updates the website, if the minutes could be changed so that they were no longer in the format of a table. This was agreed by the Parish Council. Action Clerk f. Noticeboards – The clerk informed the meeting that Cllr Edmonds had spoken to Phil Harding who had agreed to refurbish both of the parish council noticeboards in the village during the winter. This would mean taking them both down and, as they are very heavy, this would be a two-man job. Whilst the noticeboards were being refurbished the remaining noticeboards would be used in the village for displaying information. With regards to who would remove the noticeboards this would be agreed nearer the time. g. Bus Shelter – The clerk informed the meeting that a parishioner had informed Cllr Edmonds that there was a hole in the roof of the bus shelter at Stubwood. It was agreed that as the bus shelter was still used Cllr Beckett-Fountain would ask Mr W Ratcliffe for a quote to repair the bus shelter. This would be discussed again at the next meeting. Action Cllr Beckett-Fountain
Planning (Permitted & Refused are decisions by ESBC) P/2019/01489 – Cllr Turner informed the meeting of the following – “As we move ever closer to a court date any confidential issues will not be discussed during this meeting, but will be communicated to Cllr’s via e mail for comment and approval.” Information sessions held 11th Sept 2021 • The sessions were very well attended, the 3 sessions were full. • We explained the history of neighbourhood plan, current status of this application and future steps of court case and fund raising required. • A Substantial amount of people have donated this far, including a number of those sitting around this table to whom we offer our thanks. The monies raised this far mean that we have enough to cover our costs for the first stage of the court process. This is great news, and we continue to fund raise for contingencies and future steps as required. • Lots of offers of help were received from people who attended the meetings and we are proposing a “Denstone Matters Community Group” meeting be held in the next 2 weeks Minutes of Denstone Parish Council Meeting 7th October 2021 Update on application • Extension granted at committee meeting until 12th October for applicant to provide information about flooding mitigation. • We will continue to monitor this situation and be ready to respond as soon as required. Next Steps and decisions required from DPC • Following requests from residents, another information session is proposed to be held on 20th October at 7:30pm in the Village Hall. To include same information as before, as well as a Denstone Matters Update. • Time for decision making is about to become very precious as we head towards the crucial time of decision notice being issued and then court proceeding preparations. In order to keep all Councillors engaged in the process with the opportunity to contribute, whilst maintaining the need to act quickly we need to agree on how to progress. We are asking that any emails sent with feedback requested on any issues relating to this application are replied to quickly. We will always endeavour to provide a 24-hour window to provide feedback, however this may not always be possible. The feedback window for any comments will be stated on any request, and if no response is received within this timescale, we shall assume approval – please can you approve this today? • You will have seen information circulated before this meeting from our solicitor that outlined costings for future stages. Cllr Turner asked for approval on the following: • Another session that will be held on the 20th October – this was unanimously agreed by all councillors • To go forward with the suggested solicitor – this was unanimously agreed by all councillors • That councillors will respond to emails in the agreed time – this was unanimously agreed by all councillors • Ability to spend up to the limit of stage one which will be 10k – this was unanimously agreed by all councillors Cllr Shermer expressed sincere thanks to Cllr Turner and Jacquie Payne for all their hard work. Cllr Turner thanked Cllr Shermer.
War Memorial – Cllr Shermer expressed sincere thanks on behalf of the parish council to Russ Whitehurst (Lengthsman) and Tracy Hyder (Gardener) for all their hard work on the war memorial.
Remembrance Wreath – The clerk raised the issue regarding a donation to the Royal British Legion for a wreath for Remembrance Sunday. It was agreed that a donation of £40 would be given. It was agreed that Cllr Edmonds would be asked to lay the wreath on behalf of the village. Clerk to contact Cavell with regards to the wreath. Action Clerk
Lengthsman & Gardener – Cllr Shermer informed the meeting that the gardener had done some lovely planting in the village. It was however, necessary to establish a total cost of the plants for the year so that this could be budgeted for. It was agreed that the clerk would contact the gardener and ask how much would be required in a year for plants. Action Clerk Cllr Shermer also informed the meeting that the Lengthsman did some work for the village hall and at the last Village Hall meeting it was suggested that payment for the Lengthsman be donated to Minutes of Denstone Parish Council Meeting 7th October 2021 the Parish Council so the Lengthsman could be paid from one place This was unanimously agreed by the Parish Council. Action Cllr Shermer to inform the Village Hall Committee
Broadband – Cllr Shermer informed the meeting on behalf of Cllr Sankey that a date was being arranged to meet with Openreach. Cllr Turner agreed to draft an email for approval by Cllr Sankey to send to all interested parties to update them. Action Cllr Turner
Facebook Page – Cllr Turner agreed to take on the Facebook page – the administration rights would be passed to her from Carolyn Hinton. Action Clerk to update Carolyn
Stubwood Defibrillator pads & Training – The clerk informed the meeting that she had ordered some new pads for the defibrillator at Stubwood as these were about to expire. It was unanimously agreed to replace the pads at the cost of £87.71. The defibrillator training was discussed and it was agreed that it might be best to hold the training on a Saturday. Clerk to contact Cllr Mountney regarding this. Action Clerk
Junior Play area – Cllr Beckett-Fountain informed the meeting that she had forwarded the weekly inspection details for the junior play area to the clerk this evening.
Denstone Show 2022 – The clerk informed the meeting that Sally Sankey had contacted her and advised her that the show was a great success and had made a profit. Therefore £184.00 will be repaid to the Parish Council. The committee of the show had also asked if the Parish Council would put the show on their insurance for 2022. It was unanimously agreed by the Parish Council that they would do this. Clerk to contact the insurance company for a quote for the cost. Clerk also to inform the committee of the show. Action Clerk
Compost Bin – Cllr Shermer apologised for putting the wrong materials in the compost bin. Cllr Beckett-Fountain informed the meeting that she had sent a breakdown of what can be put into the compost bin to the clerk this evening. The clerk agreed to chase ESBC about having 2 brown bins in the village. Cllr Shermer volunteered to contact David Boden to see if he could dispose of the hedge cuttings twice a year in February and August. Action Clerk and Cllr Shermer.
Village Hall – Cllr Shermer informed the meeting that the village hall had now got its own website up and running. A link for this will be put on the Parish Council website. The roof has now been repaired so work can now begin on the internal redecoration. The Christmas lights switch on will take place on the 21st November 2021. There will be a countdown to the switch on and some market stalls in the village hall. Action Cllr Shermer to inform the Village Hall Committee
Denstone College – Cllr Shermer thanked Robert, Ian and Cynthia for their time in counting the traffic going up to Denstone College and also for the suggestion of a shuttle bus going from Denstone Farm carpark to Denstone College. The count concluded that the number of vehicles has increased from 184 in September 2020 to 271 in September 2021. The main increase being cars. Cllr Shermer and Cllr Edmonds met with Lotte Tulloch the new head of Denstone College on the 28th September to discuss the impact from the new Prep School which opened in September 2021. They were informed that the present pupil numbers are 624 Senior pupils and 87 Prep, however the prep school does have a capacity for 200. It was agreed that there was a significant increase in the number of cars and buses going to the college. The head agreed that they want the community to work together and she will look at the suggestion regarding the shuttle bus. It was agreed that Cllr Edmonds and Shermer will meet again with the head at the beginning of the spring term.
CSW – Russ Whitehurst informed the meeting that there were now 8 volunteers trained to do Community Speed Watch in the village. Currently they are doing 2 exercises a week. This is proving very effective as over 300 vehicles had been reported going above the speed limit.
Highway Issues a. Lady Meadow Lane – Clerk to chase Alan Harvey from the ESBC to remind regarding the 2 conditions of the planning application P/2017/00571. Condition 14 is to provide a footway along Oak Road and 19 to restore the verges to what they were before the development began. Action Clerk. Minutes of Denstone Parish Council Meeting 7th October 2021 b. Potholes & drainage issues in the village – The clerk has reported the manhole at the bottom of the public steps to the SCC and also passed it on to Trevor Mellor (SCC) who is looking at the drains in the village. a. Footpaths and Pavements – Cllr Turner agreed to take some pictures of all the pavements that have been resurfaced so a letter of thanks can be sent to Richard Rayson. Action Cllr Turner
Finance/Payments – The payments were proposed by Cllr Ratcliffe and seconded by Cllr Stratton. The cheques were signed at the meeting and the clerk will distribute a. Webmaster pay for September 2021 = £170.57 [LGA 1972 s142 & 144] b. Clerk’s pay for September 2021 (Made by Standing Order) = £397.80 [LGA 1972 s112] c. Eon Lighting September 2021 = £22.49 [Parish Councils Act 1957 s3] d. J Etherington – Cleaning Village Hall Toilet September 2021 = £40.00 e. Russ Whitehurst – Lengthsman September 2021 = £130.00 f. Tracy Hyder – Gardener September = £77.50 g. Mazars – Audit – £240.00 h. Defibrillator Pads Stubwood =£87.71 i. Remembrance Wreath = £40.00 items for Future Agenda
Speeding traffic on Alton Road – Russ Whitehurst Date of next meeting: The next Parish Council Meeting will be on Thursday 4th November 2021 at 7pm in the Village Hall Denstone. Denstone Website – http://denstonevillage.uk/