PC Minutes 8 April 2024

Denstone Village

Minutes of Denstone Parish Council Meeting 8th April 2024 at 7.10pm

  1. Present Cllr J Turner (Chair), Cllr M Flower, Cllr M Shermer, Cllr E Edmonds, Cllr Stratton, Borough Councillor Steve Sankey (ESBC) and Julie Sadler (Clerk) Apologies: Cllr C Naylor, Cllr Wright, Cllr Ratcliffe and Cllr Mountney. There were 6 Members of the village at the meeting.
  2. The Minutes of the Meeting held 11 March 2024 –The minutes were approved and agreed by all as a true record of the meeting. They were signed and dated by Cllr Turner.
  3. To receive declarations of interest – None
  4. Adjournment for public participation – Drains see 5b. Cllr Sankey asked if there was anything the councillors would like to raise with him as he had to leave the meeting to attend another. The councillors had nothing further to raise. Cllr Sankey left the meeting.
  5. Matters Arising/Clerk’s report
    1. Correspondence Received –
      1. Best Kept Village Competition – The clerk informed the meeting that she had received an email reminding the Parish Council to enter the competition. The clerk informed the meeting that she had not received any interest from the village regarding this so Denstone will not be entering this year.
      2. Election – The clerk informed the meeting that there would be an Election on the 2nd May for the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner. All members of the village should have received their polling cards.
  • Railway Line – The clerk confirmed that she had received an email from Cllr Sankey regarding the accident at the railway line where the fence was taken down and the gate was damaged. The clerk confirmed that she had already contacted the ranger but would chase when this would be fixed. Action Clerk
  1. Drains and leak on College Road – Cllr Turner stated that the Parish Council had received a response from Cllr Atkins regarding the situation of the drains. However, the Parish Council are extremely disappointed with the response and will publish this on the website. However, as agreed at the last meeting the Parish Council have employed RTS to clean out some of the worst affected drains on College Road. This commenced today and would hopefully be completed tomorrow. This however is just a sticking paster and will not solve the whole problem. It was agreed that the Parish Council would write to complain about the lack of support they are receiving from Highways and include the email from Cllr Atkins.
  2. Defibrillator – the clerk confirmed that AEDdonate are still waiting for the pads to arrive but as soon as they do they will be fitted. Action Clerk to continue to chase.
  3. Bus shelter – the clerk confirmed that she had contacted the insurance company but as yet had not heard anything. Action Clerk to chase.
  1. Planning (Permitted & Refused are decisions by ESBC) – Cllr Turner
    1. P/2024/00296 – Erection of a portal framed agricultural building – Inge Cottage, Barrowhill, Rocester, Staffordshire, ST14 5BY – Unanimous decision – no objections to this application.
    2. P/2024/00251 – Conversion of ground floor of annexe into a doctors surgery including information of parking area – Heywood Hall, College Road, Denstone, Staffordshire, ST14 5HR- unanimous decision – no objection to this application.
    3. Bank House Farm appeal – Clerk confirmed that there was no update as yet, but she would continue to chase. Action Clerk
    4. NP update – Cllr Turner confirmed that the examiners report had been received and the Parish Council has some comments to make. Therefore, there will be a meeting to discuss these issues on the 12th April 2024 in the Village Hall. The next stage will be the referendum. An invoice for the work carried out to take the Parish Council to the Referendum stage has been received from Urban Village for £1710 including £295 VAT has been received and was unanimously agreed by the Parish Council.
  2. Highways
    1. Feasibility Study – Cllr Shermer informed the meeting that she had sent numerous emails to the SCC Highways department but unfortunately she has yet to receive a response. Action Cllr Shermer to continue to chase.
    2. Speeding on B5031 – Funding/SIDs – No further update as yet – Action Cllr Mountney
    3. Data Collection B5031 decision – It was unanimously agreed that the clerk would send the details to SCC for the 7 day data collection. Action Clerk
    4. Potholes – A recent pothole that was repaired on College Road is now seeping water again. The Parish Clerk contacted Richard Rayson regarding this and he said that this would be looked into. Clerk to chase. Action Clerk
  3. Liaison
    1. Village Hall – No further update.
  4. Play Area
    1. Action Plan for issues raised in the inspection – Cllr Flower confirmed that weekly checks have been done. The only issue that needs attention is the roundabout as its rotting away. Clerk to contact Hags for a quote. Clerk also to put together a list of jobs that need doing on the play area when the weather permits. Action Clerk
  5. Miscellaneous
    1. War Memorial – Cllr Edmonds confirmed that due to the current weather nothing to report at present but hopefully more to report at the next meeting.
    2. Carved Tree – nothing to update due to councillor Ratcliffe’s absence.
    3. Denstone Show – Cllr Flower confirmed that due to no one coming forward to take over the show there would be no show this year. It was agreed that the show committee would put a notice up informing the village that there would be no show this year.
  6. Finance
    1. Accounts – The clerk confirmed that she would pass the accounts onto Cllr Wright and Cllr Ratcliffe for checking before they go to the internal auditor.
  7. Payments – To approve the following payments:

The clerk went through the payments individually. The payments were Proposed by Cllr Shermer and seconded by Cllr Edmonds. All payments would be processed online by Cllr Shermer and Cllr Flower. All invoices would be signed and would be returned to the clerk once actioned.

  1. Dr Carolyn Sparkes – Website – pay for March 2024 = £25.00 [LGA 1972 s142 & 144]
  2. Clerk’s pay for March 2024 (Made by Standing Order) = Gross – £494.32 Tax £95.40 net £398.92 [LGA 1972 s112]
  3. Clerks expenses March 2024 – Stationery – £10.00
  4. J Etherington – Cleaning Village Hall toilets March 2024 = £50.00
  5. N Power – Electricity – March 2024 £52.56
  6. Stuart Smith Lengthsman – March 2024 £98.91
  7. Urban Vision – £1425 +VAT £285 = £1710.00
  8. Addleshaw & Goddard LLP – Solicitors Letter – £375 + £75 VAT total = £450

items for Future Agenda

  1. Denstone Meadow

Date of next meeting:  Monday 13th May 7.00 pm in the Village Hall. This will be the Annual Parish Meeting

Denstone Village

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