PC Minutes 8 January 2019

Denstone Village

PC Minutes 8th January 2019

Point Action
 Attendees: Cllr M Shermer (in chair), Cllr S Ratcliffe, Cllr K Stratton, Cllr J Turner, Cllr C Kelly, Cllr P Frampton, Cllr Edmonds, Cllr Mountney and Cllr B Wright. Apologies Cllr J Turner and Borough Councillor C Smith 
 The minutes of the meeting held on the 4th December 2018 were discussed and agreed by all as correct. The minutes were signed and dated by Cllr Margaret Shermer. 
 Declaration of interest Cllr Wright 6a. 
 Adjournment for public participation  Nothing was raised. 
 Matters Arising/Clerks Report Correspondence Received – Cllr Mountney queried the fact that it was an election year. The clerk confirmed that this was correct. All Cllrs would receive a form to complete in March. As long as no other applications were completed from outside the council there would not be an election. If any applications were received then an election would take place. The date for this will be 2 May 2019. Stubwood Hollow – The clerk read out the email she had received from Richard Rayson. In response to this it was decided that Cllr Edmonds would pass on details to the clerk to include in her reply. Lady Meadow Bridge – The clerk informed the meeting that she had heard from Lee Holland from Highways England who had informed her this would be sorted in the next 3 months. Bank Signatures – The clerk informed the meeting that she had received documentation from the bank informing us that a copy of Cllr Edmonds signature was required again.            Cllr Edmonds and Clerk       Cllr Edmonds
6.  P/2018/01473 Retention of area of hardstanding and formation of new track used in association with existing landscaping Contractors business and formation of plant nursery area. TaylorMade Landscapes, North view Farm, Alton Road Denstone ST14 5DH – It was unanimously agreed for the clerk to contact the planning officer and make the following objection. The Cllrs requested that we question the change of use and also what they intended to do afterwards. Is the applicant looking to change the view to make it aesthetically pleasing?P/2018/01538 – Extensions to existing dwelling house, and conversion of outbuilding to provide additional living accommodation – Crumpwood Cottage Quixhill Lane Alton Nr Cheadle ST10 4DU – No Objection.Clerk
  7.Teen Play Area Survey – Cllr Shermer informed the meeting that the sub-committee had met on the 18th December. Minutes of the meeting had already been issued to all councillors. The committee required the support from the Parish Council before we could move forward with this. The following issues were discussed: Cllr Shermer informed the meeting that the first issue is the cutting back of the trees. She met with the ranger along with Cllr Wright before Christmas and he had agreed to sort out the trees, however this would cost the Parish Council up to £1500. A vote was taken and it was unanimously agreed to move forward with this and the money could be taken from the Teen area funds. Cllrs Shermer and Wright will meet with the ranger again.The next issue was the opening up the area by removing the fence? Cllr Ratcliffe informed the meeting that before we make any decisions, we will have to get permission from the landlord which is Staffordshire County Council. He also recalls that one of the conditions of the play area was that it had to be fenced off so we would need to check this first. Cllr Shermer agreed to contact the ranger with regards to who we will need to discuss this with. All Age Exercise Area – Cllr Shermer ask for the councillors’ thoughts on this. It was thought that this was a good idea but other issues need to be sorted out first. Cllr Shermer has a meeting with Derek from Sunshine Gym on the 15th January at 1pm if anyone would like to join her.Cllr Shermer asked for volunteers for a committed sub group to take this forward. Cllrs Shermer, Wright, Mountney, Kelly, Ratcliffe, Stratton and the clerk volunteered and the next meeting was arranged for the 22nd January 7.00 pm at Cllr Shermer’s house.It was agreed that Cllr Ratcliffe would talk to the Tom Boden Memorial Sports Trust with regards to the cutting of the oak tree in the of the play area.        Cllr Shermer and Cllr Wright       Cllr Shermer         Cllr Shermer   All Cllr Ratcliffe  
8.BKV – Cllr Shermer reminded everyone of the meeting scheduled for the 16 January at Cllrs Mountney’s house at 7pm. Clerk to contact Gary Plant with regards to the Parish Council taking over the planting of the area next to the shop. Also, to ask if he would like to donate anything towards this. John and Pauline Gilbert have agreed to take care of the planting.  Clerk
      9.Denstone Diary – The Parish Council agreed for Sue Edmonds to produce the Denstone Diary again this year. Clerk to send out a letter to all those who had contributed to previous editions. If any other councillor would like to be involved with this then they can email Sue directly.Clerk
      10.Neighbourhood Monitoring Report – Cllr Shermer informed the meeting that she has been looking at the Neighbour Plan and established that a Neighbourhood Monitoring Report should be completed every year. Cllr Shermer therefore asked for volunteers to join the Neighbourhood Plan Monitoring Group. Cllr Edmonds volunteered and it was also agreed to contact members of the original Steering Group to see if they would like to join.  Cllr Shermer
11.Social Media – Cllr Mountney informed the meeting that she had now been added as an administrator to the Denstone Voice. Cllr Frampton informed the meeting of an article on the Face Book page about the fireworks. Cllr Mountney agreed to look at this posting.Cllr Mountney
12.Proposed 20mph speed limit – The clerk informed the meeting that she had not heard from Richard Rayson regarding this and would therefore contact him again.Clerk
13.Tom Boden Memorial Sports Trust Representative – Cllr Shermer informed the meeting that the next meeting of the Tom Boden Memorial Sports Trust is on the 17th January. Cllr Ratcliffe agreed to attend on behalf of the Parish Council and report back at the next meeting.Cllr Ratcliffe
14.Country Show Representative – Cllr Shermer informed the meeting that the next meeting of the Country Show is on the 1 February. Cllr Frampton agreed to attend on behalf of the Parish Council and report back at the next meeting.  Cllr Frampton
15.Village Hall Committee Member – Cllr Shermer asked for the Parish Councils thoughts on the Christmas Lights. All the Councillors agreed that the lights were great, the only suggestion was that the switch on takes place in December. 
16.Highways Issues – Traffic Issues & Stubwood sub-committee – Nothing to add.Potholes and drainage issues in the village – Nothing to addFootpaths – It was suggested that the clerk contacted the footpath department regarding who it’s best to contact with regards to footpath maintenance. Also email Cllr Atkins with regards to the terrible situation of the footpaths around Denstone.      Clerk
17.Finance/Payments – To approve the following payments: Proposed by Cllr Frampton and seconded by Cllr Wright. Webmaster pay for December 2018 = £25.00 LGA 1972 s142 & 144] Clerk’s pay for December 2018 (Made by Standing Order) = £340.17 [LGA 1972 s112] Clerks back pay for December 2018 = £15.70 LGA 1972 s112] Clerk’s expenses for December 2018 = £21.00 (LGA 1972 s111) Eon Lighting December 2018 = £17.63 [Parish Councils Act 1957 s3] J Etherington – Cleaning Village Hall Toilets December 2018 = £50.00 Edward Edmonds – Hedges Direct Hedging for Denstone Meadow = £63.51 Marmax Recycled Products – Benches for Denstone Meadow = £843.12  
18.Items for future Agenda  None   
 Dates of next meeting 5th February and 5th March 2019 
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